Paisley Daily Express

Yob’s foul rant at health workers


A bully hounded health centre workers with phone and office rants.

Kenneth Gray , 5 0 , bombarded staff with foulmouthe­d threats at the Renfrew Health and Social Work Centre.

He even stormed into the building to bawl at workers.

Gray admitted behaving in a threatenin­g or abusive manner during a hearing at Paisley Sheriff Court.

Defence lawyer Terry Gallanagh claimed he lost his temper because he was concerned over the service a relative was receiving.

He said: “He’s an excitable man. He is loud, but that’s his nature. He can’t change it.

“Even to people who know him, it can come across as a lot.

“He called with issues about his brother’s care. “Nobody got back to him. “Perhaps he could have handled it with more decorum in the type of language used. “He accepts that. “As a person with a loud voice myself, even I am put in the shade.”

Gray phoned workers at the health centre on Ferry Road repeatedly last September.

He shouted, swore and made violent threats.

The lout charged into the building on March 5 and again targeted staff.

He was slammed for railing against workers carrying out their roles.

Sheriff Tom McCartney warned he could be caged for the outbursts.

He said: “It is the case that these are offences in respect of which a prison sentence has to considered as appropriat­e. That would be the case even without your record of conviction­s.

“This is the case because these offences were carried out on people carrying out their duties as employees.

“It would certainly have caused them alarm and that’s unacceptab­le.

“I am not going to impose prison today, but that doesn’t mean it is not something that is being considered.”

Gray, of Kilearn Road, has been ordered to return for sentencing on August 8.

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