Paisley Daily Express

Labour leader poised to star as famous Conservati­ve Prime Minister in new film

- Kenneth Speirs He is Britain’s most famous Tory.

And war-time leader Winston Churchill will now be portrayed in a new Paisley- made film ... by Labour councillor Eddie Devine.

Labour group leader Eddie was the go-to man for the movie that is being made by the town’s Alex Cathcart and John Kelly about Paisley- born communist MP William Gallacher.

They needed a Churchill body double and they lighted on Mr Devine as the perfect fit.

The Labour man said: “When I was approached, initially I was asked if I would be a character in the film.

“I just assumed I would be on the benches and then Alex contacted me and said ‘I ran it by a few people and I mentioned the name of who I thought should play Churchill’.

“And my initial reaction was that’s not going to go down too well.”

But Eddie was soon dazzled by the bright lights of the movie world.

“It’s my way into the Oscars,” he joked.

“But why not? Willie Gallacher is man greatly respected in the Labour Party.

“I know he was a communist but he was my kind of person. He was all about people.

“And apparently Willie was Winston Churchill’s favourite communist.

“The actual movie’s all about Willie Gallacher.”

Eddie, who has been a Renfrewshi­re councillor for 12 years, will not need to speak when he plays Churchill in the film, which will be shot in part at Paisley Abbey.

And he won’t be basing his look on previous interpreta­tions of the politician, such as Gary Oldman’s Oscar- winning role in Darkest Hour.

“It will be my own interpreta­tion of Churchill, but not as I was labelled at Glenburn Seniors Forum this morning, Winston from Still Game ,” he said.

And that’s not the only ribbing Eddie has been getting.

His family, friends and colleagues think his upcoming role is hilarious.

“They are quite amused because of my politics that I would agree to it,” he said.

“But it’s not about Winston Churchill, it’s about Willie Gallacher.”

And he added: “I’m suffering for my art.”

As revealed in the Paisley Daily Express, filmmakers Alex and John are making a feature about Willie Gallacher, who rose to become Britain’s first communist MP.

Filming is taking place all over Paisley, including at the Bull Inn, in New Street, as well as Paisley Abbey, which will double as the House of Commons.

John said Eddie Devine is perfect for the part of Winston Churchill.

“Looking at Eddie, he fits the bill perfectly,” he said.

“The very idea that a Labour leader could turn Tory for a day is something that we thought was quite significan­t.

“We looked at him closely and, by a mile, Eddie was the standout candidate.

“He’s got the physique, he’s got the aura, he’s got the authority. He’s cantankero­us.”

Eddie was the standout candidate. He’s got the physique, he’s got the authority John Kelly

 ??  ?? Suffering for his art Labour group leader Eddie Devine will play Churchill in a new film
Suffering for his art Labour group leader Eddie Devine will play Churchill in a new film

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