Paisley Daily Express

‘Out of control’ driver


A man has been remanded in custody amid claims he careered through Paisley dangerousl­y while uninsured, disqualifi­ed and off his face on drink or drugs.

Patrick McHardy is alleged to have driven through the town in a Vauxhall Vectra on Friday.

Prosecutor­s claim he drove “dangerousl­y and did drive in an erratic manner and repeatedly swerve onto the opposing carriagewa­y and into the path of oncoming traffic, causing other road users to take evasive action to avoid a collision”.

McHardy , 2 7 , w a s detained in connection with the alleged offences and appeared from custody at Paisley Sheriff Court this week to face five charges.

As well as dangerous driving in Greenock Road and the St James Roundabout, he has been charged with failing to stop for police in those roads and Barnsford Road, driving while unfit to do so through drink or drugs, driving while disqualifi­ed and driving while uninsured.

McHardy, of Paisley Road, Renfrew, made no plea to the charges during his behindclos­ed- doors hearing, where he was represente­d by defence solicitor Amy Spencer.

Sheriff Frances McCartney continued the case for prosecutor­s to investigat­e further and remanded McHardy in custody.

No future court dates have been set but he is expected to make a second court appearance in connection with the case next week.

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