Paisley Daily Express

The young people I work with inspire me every day. That’s why I’m passionate about helping them all

Teacher Katy on how high school is listening to its pupils

- Express Reporter

22.09.2018 Teachers at a high school have spoken out about the fabulous education opportunit­ies available during The Year of Young People.

The Scottish Government campaign is a chance for generation­s to come together and celebrate the nation’s youth.

It offers a platform for young people - aged eight to 26 - and will give them a stronger voice on issues that affect their lives, showcase their ideas and talents, and ultimately, aim to challenge the status quo and create a more positive perception of them in society.

Katy Robertson, 26, is a history teacher and acting principal teacher of learning and teaching at Johnstone High School.

She said: “The Year of Young People is a fantastic opportunit­y to celebrate the young people in our communitie­s and allow their voices to be heard.

“As a young teacher, I feel I am more able to relate to the issues that my pupils may be dealing with and so can support them through their time at school.

“I teach history at to young people aged 12 to 17 about various events and periods and the impacts these events can have on the world.

“I have been a teacher for four years and the inspiring young people I work with every day push me to be the best I can be.

“The example set by my own history teacher at school was what encouraged me to get into teaching. He always had time for his pupils and was very passionate about his subject and this is something I strive to achieve for the children I teach.

“The key aims of the Year of Young People are all themes I am passionate about for the young people I teach – participat­ion, education, health and wellbeing, equality and discrimina­tion, enterprise and regenerati­on and culture.

“As a teacher, every day I motivate my pupils to take more leadership in their education and encourage them to have high aspiration­s for themselves and their lives.”

Katy says engaging with pupils is vital and at Johnstone High the staff aim to help young people understand how various topics link in with the outside world.

“Pupil voice is also a very important part of my classroom.

“Young people are always welcome to voice their opinions and give suggestion­s about what they would like.

“Being able to contribute in this way allows the pupils to feel listened to and therefore more motivated to learn,” she added.

The school’s headteache­r Lynne Hollywood says during her three years at the helm everyone has worked together to improve various aspects of school life.

She highlighte­d that positive changes for young people include bringing a counsellor on board, creating a dance studio and jazzing up the school entry.

Lynne explained: “We’ve made some very positive changes to the building.

“This includes putting in place a welcoming foyer and reception for visitors and a family room to meet our parents in a more informal setting.

“To enrich the curriculum for our pupils, we now have a purpose-built dance studio, as well as new furniture in every classroom and 84 brand new computers.

“Another key priority has been the health and wellbeing of our young people. We have increased the number of pastoral support teachers in the school by using our Pupil Equity Funding (PEF) from the Scottish Government.

“We have also opened a nurture base for junior pupils who require more intensive support in high school.

“We are also delighted to welcome our new counsellor to the team to help support our pupils who experience mental health and anxiety issues.”

Students are also involved in the changes through sport, arts, charity fundraisin­g, befriendin­g younger pupils and music.

Lynne said: “Hearty Lives peer mentors have taken a lead in redesignin­g the school menu and we have an active and an energised LGBT Rainbow group who are leading the change on inclusion and diversity.

“All of this work has come about by the entire school community coming together behind a shared vision.”

As a teacher, I encourage my pupils to have high aspiration­s for themselves and their lives Katy Robertson

 ??  ?? Positive Johnstone High headteache­r Lynne Hollywood
Positive Johnstone High headteache­r Lynne Hollywood

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