Paisley Daily Express



“The notes of the true Kirk, we believe, confess, and avow to be: first the true preaching of the Word of God; secondly, the right administra­tion of the sacraments of Christ Jesus; and lastly ecclesiast­ical discipline uprightly administer­ed’’(The Scots Confession’1560).

These words radiate the Scottish reformers glowing vision of the Kirk in the midst of the Scottish people.

This estimation of the church in society was held throughout reformatio­n Europe. But the contempora­ry image of the church stands in crushing contrast.

I am preparing this article at the time when Pope Francis is visiting Ireland. Such a visit should have been an occasion for pure and unstinted rejoicing.

Instead it was riven with the tensions of ecclesiast­ical failures.

While recently the Church of Scotland was pursued in the civil courts because of the alleged misdemeano­urs of an employee in one of its homes.

Then what is the authentic picture of the church in Christian theology?

In the eyes of the general public the image of the church is tarnished, its reputation soiled and its influence for good diminished. I hasten to assert that many clergy, priests and ministers, countless Christians and a wide network of churches and chapels carry out an immense volume of social good for the benefit of their communitie­s.

Much of this service passes unnoticed.

So let us remember Paul’s fine descriptio­n of the church.

Paul calls the church‘The Body of Christ’. “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of us all”(Ephesians 4.4-6).

T S Eliot’s strong poem is so appropriat­e:“Even the anchorite who meditates alone, for whom the days and nights repeat the praise of GOD, prays for the Church, the Body of Christ incarnate”(Choruses from‘The Rock’).

Then how are we to restore the church, the Body of Christ, to its true position in the soul of our country? How are we to reenergise the moribund church to be the dynamic power house of Christ for good in this modern and secular society?

That Christ is effecting a new reformatio­n in His church is beyond question. Consider the true marks of the church outlined in the Scots Confession.

The third mark was proper discipline.

This is the point where everyone must start.

With our own personal standards. The kind of Christian people see us to be. That includes our support for our local church or chapel.

Christiani­ty is not a convenienc­e faith and Christ is not an easy-going Saviour tolerating our haphazard church support. As the people of the church we need to gather in obedience under the Word and Sacrament Christ has entrusted to His church.

We need to return to the basics of Christ’s teaching which will direct our behaviour.

Justin Welby is so true in his book,‘Reimaginin­g Britain’when he declares that with Christ there are no‘ifs’and‘buts’. Jesus demands from us an unconditio­nally committed life with no exemption clauses.

Jesus gives us goals to achieve. Justin Welby outlines it very clearly:“The role of faith communitie­s (like churches) should be to bless the society in which they live”(‘Reimaginin­g Britain’).

Then what can we do as individual Christians and church members in kirk and chapel? At this juncture in the history of the church our essential work must lie in our own personal and pure example of our life in Christ.

Remember that wonderful poem.“Christ has no hands but our hands to do His work to-day; He has no feet but our feet to lead folks in the way; He has no tongue but our tongue to tell folks how He died; He has no help but our help to bring them to His side.”

Others may dispute our belief, let no-one deny our behaviour.

Actions speak louder than words. If Christ is seen in our life then he has the chance of being found in others. Remember:“God makes his appeal‘through us’”(2 Corinthian­s 5.20).

“You are the light of the world. Let your light shine before people that they may see your good works and give glory to your heavenly Father”(Matthew 5.14-16).

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