Paisley Daily Express

Jail for brute who tried to strangle girlfriend after soiling her bed


A violent yob throttled his girlfriend after she complained about him soiling her bed, a court was told.

Vile Scott Graham, 25, assaulted Lauren Orr in a drunken stupor when he placed his hands around her throat and choked her during the attack, which took place in the bedroom of her home.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard Graham lost the plot when Ms Orr was angered he had fallen asleep and relieved himself on her bed following a night out.

Fiscal depute Claire Rowan told the court: “The accused and Ms Orr had been in a relationsh­ip for about six months, although they have known each other for about 10 years, and did not live together.

“She stays with her mother and he resides at a different address.

“Both had been out on a night out in Glasgow having dinner and drinks. It was arranged he would return to the complainer’s home address to stay overnight.

“The accused was heavily under the influence of alcohol and had fallen asleep on the complainer’s bed.

“The complainer noticed the accused had soiled the bed and woke him up. She did not take kindly to that and an argument ensued between them both.

“He made his way out of the bed and went to the other side where the complainer was sitting.

“At that point, he put both his hands around her throat and attempted to strangle her.

“The complainer attempted to scream, but was unable to due to the pressure the accused had applied to her throat.”

The court heard the assault on Ms Orr continued for about a minute. She did eventually manage to scream and kicked out with her legs.

Her mother who was in an adjoining bedroom came to Ms Orr’s aid and noticed her daughter distressed and crying in the room at the property in the town’s Durward Crescent on October 20.

She demanded the yob get his belongings and leave. The family reported the attack to police.

Graham, from the town’s Caledonia Street, appeared from custody and pleaded guilty to a charge of assaulting his girlfriend by placing his hands on her neck, compressin­g her throat, and attempting to strangle her to her injury.

Defence agent Terry Gallanagh urged the court to spare Graham jail to enable him to seek help for his drinking problem and attend a programme tackling domestic abusers.

He said: “He needs to change his attitude towards partners and he requires help in dealing with his alcohol consumptio­n.

“Although I would concede when dealing with someone who has a history of domestic misconduct, the court may take the view of not giving him an opportunit­y to attend such programmes.”

The lawyer added that Graham, who was sentenced for six months recently for another matter, regretted his behaviour.

However, Sheriff Colin Pettigrew voiced concern about Graham’s previous record for domestic violence and remanded him in custody to await the outcome of another case.

He said: “If there wasn’t another matter I would have sentenced you for the case I have heard about today. The assault on Lauren has to be punished and deterred because of your record.

“The only disposal suitable is a custodial one.”

He remanded Graham in prison until December 31 where he is expected to learn of his fate.

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