Paisley Daily Express

Renfrewshi­re is dying for a drink

Charity’s warning after 45 die of alcohol related illness


Experts have warned of a spiralling drink problem after 45 people died in Renfrewshi­re.

Charity Addaction says boozing to excess is becoming the norm across the region.

It has called for urgent action after dozens were killed by alcohol- related illnesses last year.

Karen Tyrell, executive director of external affairs for the cause, says heavy drinking is often a symptom of wider social problems.

She said: “For older drinkers, alcohol often creeps up and gradually plays a more central role in day-to-day life.

“The people we work with frequently talk about alcohol as a way to deal with loneliness, isolation, and the sense of loss that sometimes comes with retirement and movement into a new phase of life.

“The alcohol industry needs to be held to account.

“We know that the big drivers in terms of behaviour change include limiting advertisin­g and visibility and minimum unit pricing.

“We’re encouragin­g the government to include these measures in the forthcomin­g alcohol strategy.”

Almost 1,320 adults were hospitalis­ed for booze- related illnesses and injuries in the region last year.

Patients spent almost 3,700 days on wards – each spending an average of almost three days.

More than 1,000 people drank themselves to death across Scotland last year.

The NHS spends around £3.5bn treated alcohol-related conditions in 2017.

It foots the bill for treatment relating to physical illnesses, including liver disease, and mental health problems caused by excess drinking.

The huge cost comes despite death rates dropping from 1,139 two years ago.

Men are twice as likely to die from booze as women – with those aged between 55 and 59 deemed at most risk.

Elaine Hindal, chief executive of campaign group Drinkaware,

She said: “The more you drink, the greater the long-term risk to your health.

“We are contacted by the families of people who have died as a result of alcohol and are only too aware of the heartbreak.

“There is a sense of utter helplessne­ss when trying to lead someone to seek help for alcohol misuse.

“We must all do more to address the stigma that people feel in reaching out for support.

“For many of us, there are simple and effective ways for people to cut back on alcohol.

“Taking more drink-free days each week can reduce the overall amount of alcohol you drink and reduce the risk of developing serious illnesses.”

NHS chiefs recommend drinking less than 14 units a week – around seven pints of four-percent lager or medium glasses of wine.

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