Paisley Daily Express

Lout’s extra time to do work


A yob has been handed more time to complete his punishment.

Shivram Thaper, 22, who had been convicted of assaulting his former partner and of a racist disturbanc­e at a Paisley nightclub, appeared at the town’s sheriff court for a review of his conduct.

The court heard how Thaper, of Darkwood Crescent, Ferguslie Park, had recently been remanded in custody amid allegation­s he had attacked his neighbour, Steven Quigg.

Thaper was acquitted of the charges when Mr Quigg told the jury he had, in fact, been attacked by a gang, and not Thaper, during the incident in February.

The prosecutor dropped proceeding­s against Thaper following Mr Quigg’s change of evidence.

Defence agent Eamon McGeehan said: “When this matter last called, he was in custody and sentence was deferred to see what happened with that.

“The matter proceeded to trial and the Crown withdrew the charges relating to the first witness.

“So far, he only has nine hours of unpaid work outstandin­g on the first matter and 70 hours left on the second matter.

“I would ask the court to continue the review for four weeks to allow him to complete hours outstandin­g.”

Thaper had been handed unpaid work and supervisio­n after assaulting his former partner at a house in Ferguslie Park.

He was also handed Community Payback Order hours for sparking mayhem at Vienna’s nightclub in the town, when he turned to door stewards and snarled, “F**k you — you white piece of s**t’.

He lashed out after he was told to leave for making “inappropri­ate comments” to women on the dance floor.

Sheriff James Spy continued matters until September 11 for a progress report to be completed.

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