Paisley Daily Express

Thug tried to stab cop after going on rampage in Paisley town centre


A yob who tried to stab a police officer has been found guilty after trial.

Jamie Maley, 29, was convicted of a rampage against cops in the town’s Mossvale Street when he challenged officers to fight.

Maley shouted and bawled threats of violence, attempted to stab a constable and continued his abuse even after he was transporte­d to Govan Police Station following the incident, which took place on March 26.

At Paisley Sheriff Court, Maley appeared from custody and was found guilty in the trial before Sheriff David Pender.

Procurator Fiscal Depute Amy Spencer said the Crown had more than passed the burden of proof necessary for the court to convict Maley, who has a string of previous conviction­s, including public disorder and making threats against police.

A defence agent urged the court to clear Maley, now of Mossvale Court, and to take into account the three months he has already spent in custody.

However, Sheriff Pender favoured the prosecutio­n’s evidence and found the accused guilty of the offences, telling him: “These are serious charges.”

Maley was convicted of behaving in a threatenin­g and abusive manner in that he behaved in an aggressive manner and did shout, swear and utter threats of violence towards police while brandishin­g a knife.

He was also convicted of possession of an offensive weapon, namely a knife, without lawful authority or reasonable excuse.

Maley was also convicted of assaulting a police officer by attempting to strike the constable with a knife and a further offence of public disorder where he behaved in an threatenin­g and abusive manner while in custody at Govan Police Station where he shouted, swore and uttered threats of violence towards police.

He was remanded in custody until September 10 when he will discover his fate, after the court has obtained background reports in preparatio­n for sentence.

Maley, blighted by a drink problem, has been accused of holding a grudge against cops in Paisley.

He has been convicted after a series of run-ins with police in the town including breaches of curfew, making threats, making homophobic remarks and even shouting sectarian abuse at cops called to incidents.

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