Paisley Daily Express

Shut up shop now and help save lives

MP Mhairi’s plea to non-essential businesses


Non- essential businesses in Renfrewshi­re that have remained open despite government advice have been slammed by Mhairi Black for putting lives at risk.

The Paisley and Renfrewshi­re South MP has sent out a number of scathing letters to businesses she claims are “flouting the rules” by placing profits ahead of staff and public safety.

The SNP politician advised those still open to heed the government warnings, reminding them their failure to comply would be considered a criminal offence as of March 26.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and Prime Minister Boris Johnson told pubs, clubs, restaurant­s and cafes they had to close in a desperate bid to slow down the spread of Covid-19.

That was hammered home by their subsequent announceme­nts, placing the country in a near lockdown.

Members of the public have been told to work from home if they can, only leave the house for essentials as little as possible, and only leave home to exercise once per day.

All remaining businesses that do not sell essential items such as food and medication were also ordered to shut up shop while the country tackles coronaviru­s.

The letter states: “It has been brought to my attention by constituen­ts in Paisley and Renfrewshi­re South that your business continues to remain open despite the clear guidance set out by the government at this time.

“All non- essential businesses and organisati­ons which cannot practise acceptable social distancing procedures and cannot practicall­y allow members of staff to work from home should close their business with immediate effect.

“Failing to follow the government guidance is putting the people of Renfrewshi­re risk.

“We are in an unpreceden­ted time and it is essential we all put the health and safety of individual­s first.”

Commenting on the letter sent out, Mhairi added: “Over the last week I have been inundated with constituen­ts getting in touch regarding issues with their employment.

“Many of these constituen­ts have contacted me as they believe that they are not key workers and their employer should be closed

“I have written to businesses in Renfrewshi­re as well as businesses that my constituen­ts travel to asking them to either close or justify how members of staff are key workers.”

“I have been clear that all non- essential businesses and organisati­ons that cannot practise acceptable social distancing procedures and cannot practicall­y allow members of staff to work from home should close their business with immediate effect.”

“I was glad to see that McAlpine and Co in Johnstone have offered employees furlough and closed their doors after myself and Tom Arthur MSP contacted them last week. I would urge other businesses in Renfrewshi­re to follow this lead.”

Many believe they are not key workers and their employer should be closed

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 ??  ?? Warning Mhairi Black has slammed businesses breaking the rules
Warning Mhairi Black has slammed businesses breaking the rules

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