Paisley Daily Express

Neighbours take to the treadmill for NHS


A group of determined neighbours are putting their best foot forward for frontline NHS staff as they prepare for a gruelling 24- hour treadmill challenge.

The team in South Avenue, Paisley, are gearing up to take on the mammoth task tomorrow to raise money for health care workers at the Royal Alexandra Hospital.

Inspired by seeing ICU nurse Mary Ralph, who lives in the street, returning home from long shifts, they plan to set up two treadmills in the driveway and run all night for the cause.

Retired police officer Stewart Croll, 54, is one of the people behind the idea and said it came about through a desire to give something back to those who are giving everything.

He said: “During the outbreak we know that many doctors and nurses are working long hours wearing PPE as they look after sick people.

“Mary, who lives in the street, is an ICU nurse at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and we would see her coming home after a shift with blisters on her face from wearing a visor.

“Myself and another neighbour, Ian Buckeridge, decided we wanted to do something to raise a bit of money for the staff well-being fund at the RAH and that’s when we came up with this 24-hour treadmill challenge

He added: “We hope to have two treadmills going most of the day and one running during the night with people taking an hour or so turn at a time so they are continuous­ly moving - all with social distancing in place.

“We have around 12 of us from the street who will take a turn, with myself, Ian and Mary’s husband Gordon doing the lion’s share.

“Mary and Gordon’s sons Archie, eight, and Sandy, six, will start us off and be on at the end.”

Stewart explained there has already been huge interest in the event, which starts at 10am and finishes at 10am on Sunday.

He said: “There has already been so much interest in what we are planning. We have posters up and people have been stopping and asking what it’s all about and then have gone home and donated online.

“We are hoping to break the £2,000 mark - that would be amazing and make a real difference to the staff who are doing such a good job in these incredibly challengin­g times.”

To donate, visit: https://www.justgiving. com/crowdfundi­ng/southavenu­e24

We hope to have two treadmills going most of the day and one running during the night

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