Paisley Daily Express



Midwives at the Royal Alexandra Hospital have delivered almost

400 babies since the beginning of the pandemic and have issued a heartfelt message for women giving birth during the coronaviru­s crisis - we are still here for you.

Much like every other profession across the country, the midwifery team at the Paisley maternity unit have had to adapt the vital service they provide to ensure the safety of staff and patients.

But the dedicated teams within the wards are doing everything they can to support women as much as possible during this time, all while helping to bring 392 babies into the world.

The babies have been born in Paisley’s hospital since the beginning of the lockdown on March 23.

Women have had to endure a number of potentiall­y distressin­g changes, including strict rules for when their partner can be with them and no visits from doting family and friends following the birth of their little ones.

Even the midwives look different as they are fully kitted out in Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) while helping with delivery and working on the wards.

Lianne Manion, who is the senior charge midwife for inpatient services, says she has never experience­d anything like the current situation.

She was working at the RAH during the Swine Flu outbreak in 2009/10, but says the situation now is unpreceden­ted.

“We have never experience­d anything to this scale,” said Lianne, who has been supporting women before and after the birth of their children since 1983.

“There were restrictio­ns during the Swine Flu outbreak but it was not as strict as it is during the current pandemic.

“This is likened to a third World War as it is having an effect all over the world and so many countries are trying to fight it.

“Meanwhile we are trying to keep things as normal for women as we can.

“It is a life changing experience to give birth, but it is even more so to give birth under these

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