Paisley Daily Express

Poet has the write stuff


Renfrewshi­re’s own poet laureate has been sharing his hints, tips and poetry to people online during the lockdown.

Establishe­d poet Brian Whittingha­m was appointed the first Tannahill Makar back in 2018.

His role sees him visit community groups and schools to share his skills, and write poetry to mark events happening across Renfrewshi­re including things like the 90th anniversar­y of the Glen Cinema disaster and the UK Pipe Band Championsh­ips.

Since lockdown his community visits have stopped but the 69-year-old said he’s getting to grips with modern technology and has started his own YouTube channel to share his work – and hopefully inspire others.

He said: “I’m not able to go into the community doing my Makar stuff so someone suggested I do an online video. I didn’t have a clue how to do it but I played around with my MacBook and realised it was so easy to film yourself.

“I started off reading a children’s book then I read a children’s poem. I learned how to edit it and showed it to my biggest critics, my children, who helped me with it.”

Some of Brian’s videos are of him reading poems but he’s also started a series giving advice on how to get started if you like to try creative writing or poetry.

“I’ve done 12 videos now,” he said. “Nine are just of me reading poems about different subjects. My most recent poem was one I was asked to write for Paisley Book Festival which seemed quite well received when I read it at the opening night.

“I’ve also read poems about the shipyards which is in one of the books I’ve written. “I’m loving it.”

Brian has set up his own YouTube channel and hopes to inspire other people to write about Renfrewshi­re. He’s also keen to educate people about Paisley’s weaver poet, Robert Tannahill and often shows the Tannahill tartan in the background.

Despite early reservatio­ns, he has loved the role.

Brian said: “The whole Makar thing was something I was reticent about accepting. I wasn’t sure if I was up to it.

“I’d just had my ninth collection of poetry published and I felt like I had nothing more to say. Since I took on the Makar role I’ve written 25 poems. I’ve relished it. It’s the challenge particular­ly if I’m asked to write about something rather than choose what I want to write about.

The name Makar goes back hundreds of years, and means poet or bard.

To view Brian’s work online and see his advice on creative writing and poetry, search for makarminim­ovie on YouTube.

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 ??  ?? Festival of words Brian wrote a poem to commemorat­e the first Paisley Book Festival in February
Festival of words Brian wrote a poem to commemorat­e the first Paisley Book Festival in February

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