Paisley Daily Express

Jed and Benny will hit the heights to help children with autism


A devoted godfather is hiking up Ben Nevis to support Renfrewshi­re kids with autism.

Johnstone man Jed McCabe has been inspired to climb Scotland’s highest mountain to support his godson Reuben McSwegen, who suffers from the developmen­tal disorder.

Reuben’s father Benny is in training for the Three Peaks Challenge, with both raising cash for Always Included, a new centre for autistic and additional support needs children, young people and their families.

Jed and Benny, both 49, are determined to support the new centre, which they believe will make a massive difference to youngsters’ lives.

Jed explained: “Me and Benny have been best mates since we were at school at St Anthony’s Primary and we’ve always been there for each other.

“Reuben is my godson and as soon as I heard about Benny’s challenge I was determined to get involved.

“Unfortunat­ely, I don’t think my knees could hold up to the Three Peaks Challenge he is taking on, so

I’m going to scale Ben Nevis instead which is a good, tough challenge in itself.

“The Always Included centre is going to make a massive difference, not just for Reuben but for hundreds of kids around Renfrewshi­re over the next few years.

“I’ve been blown away by the support I’ve been given so far and hopefully people will continue to back us for this amazing cause.”

Jed will take on Ben Nevis on Friday, August 7 and has already received donations totalling more than £400.

Benny is set to tackle the Three Peaks Challenge - which involves climbing Ben Nevis, Snowdon and Scafell Pike in just 24 hours - on the same day with a group of pals nicknamed The Magnificen­t Seven and they have already raised £1800.

Benny said: “I’m a taxi driver and I’m lucky to have a really good support group around me.

“But a lot people don’t have that support and if you have children with autism you need support even more.

“The Always Included centre is all about providing that and giving kids a place to go and enjoy themselves.

“There’s nowhere near as much out there for kids with autism or support needs as there is for other kids.

“My wife Ashley is the centre’s treasurer and the money we raise will help pay for equipment for the various different groups that will use it.

“A lot of businesses put money and time into repairing the centre after Storm Ciara so it’s been a real community effort to get it ready for opening.”

St Mirren legend Tony Fitzpatric­k is backing his pal Jed and hopes people will get right behind him before his challenge next month.

Fitzpatric­k said: “Jed’s a fantastic guy and he’s always looking to help youngsters out, whether through sport or through something like this.

“It’s an absolutely wonderful cause and I wish him, Benny and the rest of the guys the very best of luck because it’s some challenge they’ve set themselves.”

Always Included was set up by mum- of-six Lynne McLean who was inspired after watching her son Christophe­r’s life being transforme­d by support groups.

Alongside Reuben’s mum Ashley McSwegen and Angela Armour, Lynne has been working to get the centre in Walkinshaw Street, Johnstone, ready for children in the Renfrewshi­re area.

All three mums have children with autism and were inspired by the difference attending groups makes to the youngsters’ lives.

In February, the building suffered £20,000 of damage during Storm Ciara, leaving their dream of setting up a haven for autistic children and their families in jeopardy.

But thanks to an appeal from the Paisley Daily Express, they were able to source materials from generous local firms so repair work could go ahead.

They now hope they will be able to finally complete the work and have the centre ready to open soon.

To make a donation to Jed’s challenge go online to­ng/messyplayf­orreuben

Reuben is my godson and as soon as I heard about Benny’s challenge I was determined to get involved

 ??  ?? Time for a challenge Jed McCabe with Benny McSwegan and his son Reuben
Time for a challenge Jed McCabe with Benny McSwegan and his son Reuben
 ??  ?? Support Jed with Tony Fitzpatric­k
Support Jed with Tony Fitzpatric­k

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