Paisley Daily Express

OAPs ‘anxious’ about licence change


Age Scotland has seen a steep rise in older callers enquiring about Pension Credit as it launches a last-ditch attempt to save free TV for over-75s.

The charity for older people has received almost 60 per cent more calls to its helpline about benefits.

It follows the BBC’s announceme­nt last week that it would press ahead with means-testing TV licences for over-75s from Saturday, with only those receiving Pension Credit eligible going forward.

The move, which would see around 300,000 people in Scotland losing out, has been condemned and contested by Age Scotland.

The latest figures from the Department for Work and Pensions show that 44 per cent of older people in Scotland who are eligible for Pension Credit do not claim it.

Many are not aware of it, find the process too confusing or feel too proud to ask for help.

Age Scotland’s helpline has been inundated with concerned callers, with 329 requesting a benefits check in the last two weeks.

Age Scotland’s chief executive Brian Sloan said:“This is causing huge anxiety among Scotland’s poorest pensioners at an already difficult and isolating time.

“Older people should be looking forward to further freedoms now that shielding restrictio­ns are easing, not worrying about an extra annual bill for £157.50.

“Our helpline has been flooded with callers asking about benefits

“Many are extremely concerned, saying they simply won’t be able to afford this new bill. It should never be a choice between TV and other essentials - we cannot risk older people making unnecessar­y and potentiall­y unsafe sacrifices.”

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