Paisley Daily Express

The BIG Saturday Crossword


Cryptic clues


1. Be prepared to resist exhibition bout (4,5) 8. Not fit to make a comeback in the Follies (3) 9. Is it used for pointing out the contents of the book? (5,6) 11. Being stupefied, do some contemplat­ing in bed (7) 12. The mattress covers are seconds (5) 13. Father gets a chap to return the hat (6) 15. Profit from company in dilapidate­d mine (6) 17. Fed up because of broken dates (5) 18. A seaman surrounded by others and they’re formidable types (7) 20. The North Sea (6,5) 22. There may be a catch in this (3) 23. Position on the board that’s not new, my friend (9)


2. Endless search for a barbarian (3) 3. Reflects the gender of cunning creatures (5) 4. Does tedious work at the mill (6) 5. Take up the slack – it’s a way to get thin (7) 6. Managing body show the way to make a speech (11) 7. Is this kind of society deprived of education? (9) 10. Show what those who feel strongly do (11) 11. How one overtakes when avoiding the town centre (9) 14. They treat the first person with a slipped disc about the start of the operation (7) 16. From which to get a lofty view over a part of ancient Greece (6) 19. Heron damaged French flower (5) 21. The leading characters of Anton Chekhov’s trilogy do (3)

Quick clues


1. Pretentiou­sly stately (9) 8. Elderly (3) 9. Want (11) 11. Purify (7) 12. Sea (5) 13. Scanty (6) 15. Couch (6) 17. Lloyd Webber musical (5) 18. Deliberate insult (7) 20. Makes hostile (11) 22. Auction item (3) 23. Turbulent confusion (9)


2. Regret (3) 3. Condescend (5) 4. Wild ass (6) 5. Incident (7) 6. Controvers­ial (11) 7. Decoration (9) 10. Sudden (11) 11. Dish (9) 14. Apparition (7) 16. Claspless bracelet (6) 19. Teeth (5) 21. Self-image (3)

 ??  ??

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