Paisley Daily Express

Dad downed booze and pills as he struggled to cope will son’s illness


An anguished dad was guzzling booze and swallowing up to 50 street Valium a day in an attempt to cope with the pressures of having a sick child.

Jamie McMaster, 32, sparked mayhem at the home of his estranged partner Linda McGauchey as his son lay in intensive care, racked by severe breathing difficulti­es.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard McMaster had been barred from approachin­g or contacting his ex-partner Ms McGaughey at her home in Barrhead’s Balgray Crescent, following previous domestic disturbanc­es.

However, he would get tanked up on booze and swallow Etizolam tablets to mask the stress he and his partner were facing in caring for their child.

Procurator fiscal depute Mark Nicol told the court that McMaster and Ms McGauchey had been in a relationsh­ip for 17 years until their separation earlier this year.

He said: “She received a phone call on her mobile. She did not answer it. He left a voicemail where she could hear his voice in conversati­on with another male.

“At around 1am the accused attended at her home. He began to engage with her at her house. He began shouting and swearing at her, directing comments such as ‘f****** cow,’ and ‘f****** slut.’

McMaster, formerly of Craighead Way, Barrhead, appeared from custody where he pleaded guilty to approachin­g and contacting Ms McGauchey on several occasions in breach of bail conditions.

He also admitted shouting and uttering offensive remarks at his former partner on August 24 and 25.

Defence agent Ter ry Gallanagh urged the court to show his client mercy, “given the overwhelmi­ng pressure the family is under in dealing with their child”.

He said: “Mr McMaster and Ms McGaughey have shared responsibi­lities in caring for their son, who is in an ICU suffering from severe breathing difficulti­es.

“This has been a traumatic period for him on remand as his son lies in hospital.

“He was taking between 25 and 50 street Valium a day, as well as drinking alcohol, as this would calm him down.

“This family is in need of help and I would ask the court consider releasing him on bail.”

However, Sheriff David Pender took a dim view of McMaster’s record, which includes numerous breaches of bail as well as domestic offences.

He jailed him for seven months, telling him: “This must be very difficult for any couple, but the way you are behaving, you are leaving Ms McGaughey to look after your son on her own.”

“You will have to stop drinking and taking drugs if you want to look after your son.”

You will have to stop drinking and taking drugs if you want to look after your son

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