Paisley Daily Express


Boozed-up yob abused partner


A twisted boyfriend bombarded his girlfriend with almost 50 abusive phone calls, followed her home, went into her bedroom and poured a bottle of water on her head.

Ryan Johnston, 32, lost the plot with Louise O’Neill after the pair of them got separated following a boozy house party in Barrhead on September 6.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard Johnston was fuming as he didn’t have his house keys on him, and took his anger out on his partner, repeatedly calling her a “slag,” and a “rat” in a tirade of furious calls.

Procurator Fiscal Depute Flora Napier told the court: “Ms O’Neill and the accused had been attending a house party.

“At around 4am an argument broke out between the witness and the accused.

“The accused left the house party and intended to return home to his address.

“Immediatel­y after he left, he began repeatedly making phone calls, 45 times he called between 5.25am and 8.54am.

“The context of these calls was he was shouting and swearing things such as ‘slag’, and ‘rat.’”

The court heard at 9am that morning Johnston walked in to Ms O’Neil’s house in Neilston and drenched her with a bottle of water after shouting at her.

The prosecutor added: “The accused let himself into the witness’s home address, having been given a key, and entered the bedroom where he began shouting at Ms O’Neill.

“He demanded he be given his house key.

“He went into the kitchen, returned with a bottle of water, which he poured over her head.”

His girlfriend phoned police to report him.

Johnston appeared at court and pleaded guilty to a charge of behaving in a threatenin­g and abusive manner between Fenwick Drive, Barrhead, and Gleniffer View, Neilston, where he repeatedly made phone calls and uttered derogatory remarks to Ms O’Neill, and thereafter poured a bottle of water over her head.

Defence agent Rhona Lynch said Johnston, from Auchintibb­er Court, Blantyre, was ashamed at himself for how he behaved, and added he is hoping to get back together with Ms O’Neill.

She said: “Both parties had consumed alcohol.

“He left to go home but his partner had his house keys.

“That is why he was repeatedly calling her.

“He accepts it was completely inappropri­ate and disgusting language.

“He went to her house to get his keys.”

Sheriff Seith Ireland fined him £200 and warned him that the domestic abuse of a partner is something the courts take seriously.

The court ruled that, after speaking with Ms O’Neill, it did not need to hand him a Non Harassment Order.

He went into the kitchen, returned with a bottle of water which he poured over her head

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Ryan Johnston
Lost the plot Ryan Johnston

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