Paisley Daily Express

‘I will slit her throat’

Twisted thug made sinister threats to his terrified wife


A brute made chilling threats that he was going to slit his wife’s throat and murder cops called out to a furious row at the couple’s home.

Anthony Gallagher, 50, blew his top following a heated argument with Theresa Gallagher at a property in Ferguson Street, Renfrew, on October 31, last year.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard Gallagher, who has racked up four offences of domestic abuse, was found outside the family home where he lost the plot and made vile threats to kill his wife and murder constables.

Procurator fiscal depute Dana Barclay said: “The accused was at home, where an argument ensued with his wife about their separation.

“He became aggressive towards Ms Gallagher and began to shouting at her. She became fearful and contacted police by calling 999.

“Police arrived at the address and he was outside in the roadway. Ms Gallagher was in a state of distress at the property.

“He began shouting and swearing officers. He stated among other things, ‘I will f*****g kill you’, ‘I will f*****g murder you’ and ‘I will f*****g do you’.

“The accused also said, ‘Just you wait, I will slit her throat’.”

The court heard Gallagher was involved in another rammy with cops called out to an incident at the same address in Renfrew on July 18, last year, where he was accompanie­d by a dog, and abused police who were entering the property.

This time, he was shouting abuse and swearing at officers who were dealing with another unnamed individual, yelling ‘ F*** s,’ ‘ P**** s,’ and ‘B*****ds.’

He pleaded guilty to behaving in a threatenin­g and abusive manner, uttering threats of violence and making threats to kill his wife and police officers.

Defence agent Kirsty McGeehan said her client has since made up with his wife and urged the court to show him leniency as he has kept out of the bother since these events.

She said: “The relationsh­ip with the complainer is much stronger and it is my understand­ing that she does wish the court to impose a non harrassmen­t order on Mr Gallagher.

“He has pleaded guilty to these offences. He was admitted to bail and also spent time in custody. I would ask the court bear this in mind when considerin­g its decision.”

Sheriff Lindsey Kooner voiced concern over Gallagher’s behaviour, telling him his comments were “unacceptab­le, especially threats of violence” towards police and his wife.

She added: “Clearly, you have issues which need to monitored and addressed.”

She fined him £270 and placed him under mandatory supervisio­n of the local authority for nine months.

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