Paisley Daily Express

Lout tried to batter down mum’s front door when she wouldn’t let him in

Thug claimed he was fleeing death threat after prison release


A frightened yob sparked terror at his mother’s home by shouting, bawling and punching her front door, demanding she let him in.

Gary Maxwell, 33, went to victim Lorraine Maxwell’s home in Linwood and kicked off, banging the door and demanding to be let in.

Paisley Sheriff Court heard Maxwell went round after receiving death threats and discoverin­g his own house at Bridge of Weir Road, also Linwood, had been boarded up following his release from a spell behind bars.

Defence agent Paul Lynch said his client, who appeared from custody for sentencing after admitting responsibi­lity for the rammy, had been in fear for his safety when he went to his mum’s address.

He said: “He had received a threat to his life. A video appeared on his phone.

“He went to his home in Linwood, which is close to his mother’s home, and found his front door had been boarded up.

“He attempted to phone his mother to find out what had happened at his own address. That is why he was at his mother’s front door.”

The lawyer added that Maxwell had been drinking and was seeking an explanatio­n as to what had happened when he lost control.

Maxwell pled guilty to behaving in a threatenin­g and abusive manner in that he attempted to gain entry to the home of his mother, repeatedly struck the front door with his hands, shouted, swore, and demanded entry on August 18.

He also admitted possession of Class-B drug cannabis when he was arrested by police .

Mr Lynch said his client was also offering an apology to the court for making a foul-mouthed outburst at a sheriff who sentenced him for a previous rampage.

Maxwell had yelled out in court, “Thanks very much, ya F****** boot,” when he was banged up for seven months by Sheriff Frances McCartney in July last year for threatenin­g his neighbours, headbuttin­g a police officer and smashing up a motor with part of a wooden bannister.

Sheriff Lindsey Kooner decided to show Maxwell mercy because he was admitting the offence and had spent time in custody.

She said: “You do not require me to rehearse your record. You are aware of it.

“I have noted that you pleaded guilty and that your mother did not require to give evidence.

“I will impose a Community Payback Order for you to address your alcohol problem and your persistent offending.”

Maxwell was placed under supervisio­n of the social work department for 12 months and will appear at court in December for a review of his behaviour.

He went to his home in Linwood .... and found his front door had been boarded up

 ??  ?? Guilty Gary Maxwell
Guilty Gary Maxwell

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