Paisley Daily Express

A change of routine

Strictly’s Dianne Buswell talks to LISA SALMON about her new home workout programme, and why she and partner Joe Sugg have been like ‘passing ships’ lately


AS a top profession­al dancer, Dianne Buswell works hard to stay fit – and that doesn’t just mean putting in endless hours on the dancefloor.

“The physical, mental and emotional health benefits of dance are endless. But as a dancer I don’t just dance, I do a lot of other things that help my body get dancefit and dance-ready,” says the flame-haired Strictly

Come Dancing pro, who also has a personal trainer and fits workouts in between dance sessions to keep herself strong and injury-free.

“Dancing is definitely enough to keep you fit, but if I just keep on dancing and dancing and dancing, I’m using the same muscle groups and I have to do different things in order to engage different muscles, so I don’t get injured and I can do this for a longer time,” she explains.

“And because your body gets used to certain workouts, and I’ve danced since I was about four years old, it’s about muscle memory for me. So I do try to do different things to engage different muscles and engage my body in a different way.”

Australian-born Buswell, 33, is now sharing her dance fitness secrets in a new workout programme – Danceworks by Dianne Buswell – which features dance-inspired workouts from hip-hop and samba to ballroom and ballet, and is available on fitness platform Gymondo (

“You don’t have to be a dancer at all – it’s just using different muscles that you probably think: ‘I didn’t even know that existed’,” she says of the workouts.

“Sometimes you do a workout and you’re just doing it because you have to, but I always feel exercise should be something we do because we enjoy it, and we’re grateful our bodies can actually move,” Dianne adds.

“If I can help anyone change their mindset about working out and making it a really fun activity, then I feel like my job’s done.” The year after she joined Strictly, Dianne reached the final with her 2018 series partner, YouTuber Joe Sugg. They finished as runners-up – but eventually came away with a bigger prize than the famous Glitterbal­l Trophy as they fell in love, and now live together in the Sussex countrysid­e.

And happily, the end of his Strictly stint didn’t stop Joe dancing with Dianne.

“We still dance together. He fell in love with dancing, and it’s obviously something he’s always around, because I’m always dancing, or showing him what we’ve done or asking what he thinks of a routine. He’s still around it, so he still likes to do a little dance every now and then, for sure.”

Another of Dianne’s loves is cooking. “When I get time, I absolutely love to cook,” she says. “My mum’s Italian, and I’ve grown up learning to cook from her. We all love food in my family. I do really enjoy cooking and I’m always interested in the Mediterran­ean diet.

“My mum is very health-conscious in terms of what products she uses, so I’ve grown up learning to cook good, hearty meals that are good for you, using natural ingredient­s.”

She doesn’t eat chicken or red meat, but does eat fish and says her go-to dish is a good ratatouill­e. “I eat as healthily as I can – but I’m only human and I love my chocolate. I still have a drink every now and then, so it’s not like I don’t do any of that stuff, but I do realise the effect it has on my body. The more in tune you are with your body, the more you realise that what you’re putting into it has an effect on what you get out of it,” Dianne says.

“With my intense scheduling, I have to look after myself and eat the right food in order to do what I do. I want to feel good when I’m doing it, so I don’t restrict what I eat, I just think about my options better. Rather than going for something that’s filled with sugar or processed, I’ll try to go for the more natural option.

“Joe’s actually a very good cook the only thing with Joe is he’s very slow, whereas I’m very fast in the kitchen. If he’s going to make dinner, I think he should start at lunchtime and by dinner it’ll be ready!”

The couple have been like “passing ships” recently, she laments. Joe went on holiday to South Africa after Christmas, while she spent Christmas and New Year in Australia with her family – then as soon as she got back, Dianne started the Strictly live tour, which ends in midFebruar­y.

“I’m on tour at the moment, so we’re like passing ships – he came back from his holiday and I’ve gone out on tour,” she explains.

“I got home, unpacked my nice summery outfits, packed my winter outfits, and off I went. It’s been a busy one, but this was really the only time I could fit in going to Australia, so I had to go. I loved it because I got to spend Christmas and New Year with my family, but it meant as soon as I got back I was straight into work again. But it’s all good, I love it.”

Will she ever go back to live in her homeland?

“Never say never,” Dianne says with a laugh. “But at the moment, all my work is here, I’ve got my house here with Joe, my friends, and Joe’s family is now my family. I’ve got everything here apart from my own immediate family, which is the hardest thing, obviously.

“But I love my work, and while it’s still booming over here, I’m really loving it in the UK, and I can’t see myself going back any time soon.”

■ Danceworks by Dianne Buswell is available on Gymondo (

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