Paisley Daily Express

Prison warning for dad who sent racist messages to victim


A Renfrew dad has been warned he faces prison after sending racially abusive messages.

Cal Dallas sent a number of derogatory and racially abusive Whatsapp messages to Jagdeep Sandhu between April 25 and May 2 last year.

At Paisley Sheriff Court last week, he was due to be sentenced but, as a result of extenuatin­g circumstan­ces, his punishment will be handed down next month.

The 33-year-old was told to “prepare himself ” for the prospect of custody meantime.

Procurator fiscal depute Dana Barclay told the court: “On the morning of April 25, Mr Sandhu was within his home when he received a Whatsapp message from a number he knew belonged to the accused.

“Derogatory racial remarks were sent in the messages with the accused sending, ‘I have no respect, you called me with a popadom gangster attitude, you could of asked what my plans were this week, f**k you, you b***k b ***** d’.

“Dallas sent another message stating, ‘f**k off ’ and referred to Mr Sandhu as a ‘pakora technician’.

“The accused, thereafter, stated, ‘done more than £300 at work so money will be owed’.

“Another message referred to Mr Sandhu as ‘b***k and fat’.

“And, thereafter, another message was sent stating, ‘take a jump on your prayer mat’.

“On May 2, Mr Sandhu received a call from Dallas and he placed his phone on loudspeake­r when he answered.

“Dallas referred to money being owed and referred to Mr Sandhu as a ‘b***k b ***** d’ this was also heard by witnesses.

“Police were contacted who attended and spoke with Mr Sandhu.”

Defence agent Tony Callaghan told the court Dallas, of Paisley Road, had carried out work for Sandhu and claims he hadn’t been paid for it.

Mr Callaghan added: “It is his position he was verbally abused by the complainer who swore at him.

“He has shown remorse and insight into this behaviour.

“He had an alcohol problem and, following a relapse over the festive period, he is engaging with services and is suitable for antibooze and awaiting a prescripti­on for that.

“He has turned a corner with his attitude and hopes to resume the relationsh­ip with the mother of his kids.”

Sheriff Tom McCartney said: “Prison is a considerat­ion here.

“When Mr Dallas comes back to court, he better prepare himself that he may be going to prison.”

Mr Callaghan added that, despite a background report stating Dallas was unfit for unpaid work, this was untrue and he would be willing to comply with such an order.

Addressing Dallas, Sheriff McCartney said: “This is a serious matter.

“You’ve been in prison before for a racially aggravated matter so I have to consider a prison sentence here.

“The report I have here says you’re not suitable for unpaid work so I am going to call for a supplement­ary report and restrictio­n of liberty order assessment.”

Sentence was further deferred until March 24.

When Mr Dallas comes back to court, he better prepare himself that he may be going to prison

 ?? ?? Facing jail Cal Dallas appeared at Paisley Sheriff Court
Facing jail Cal Dallas appeared at Paisley Sheriff Court

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