Perthshire Advertiser

Resident caught with machete avoids prison


A Perth man, caught with a machete in his garden around midnight, was spared a jail sentence at Perth Sheriff Court.

Instead, 35-year-old Ian Myles, of Walker Court, Canal Street, had a Community Payback Order imposed.

He will have to complete 150 hours of unpaid work within a year and will be supervised by a social worker for 18 months.

He admitted having the weapon in his possession at Walker Court on October 24 last year.

A not guilty plea was accepted to a second charge of committing a breach of the peace by shouting and swearing, throwing bottles and brandishin­g the machete.

The court was told that police were on patrol in Princes Street when a civilian told them the accused was in a nearby garden, armed with the machete.

Additional units were summoned and Myles was seen appearing from the corner of a building.

“He was instructed to show his hands and he complied.

“He raised his hands above his head and walked slowly into an open area.”

He was the only person there and officers recovered the machete after a brief search.

Sheriff Gillian Wade told the accused: “This is a serious matter and could well have resulted in a custodial sentence.”

She ordered forfeiture of the machete.

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