Perthshire Advertiser

Saints’ Tam backs campaign’s aim to detect lung cancer earlier


St Johnstone’s number three Tam Scobbie has become the latest player to back a campaign aimed at detecting lung cancer.

The Detect Cancer Early (DCE) lung campaign aims to show that a cough lasting over three weeks could be a sign of the disease.

Tying in with Lung Cancer Awareness Month, it’s hoped more people with the symptom will get checked by their GP sooner rather than later.

The DCE lung campaign is fronted by Sir Alex Ferguson, who lost his own parents to the disease.

The former Aberdeen and Manchester United manager, a former Saints player, stars in a film released to mark campaign in which he meets a fan who survived lung cancer after seeking help early and praises him as a “great example to everyone in Scotland”.

Latest statistics show that since the launch of DCE, the percentage of patients diagnosed with the earliest stage of lung cancer (stage one) in Scotland has increased by over a third (35.6 per cent overall), and by St Johnstone star Tam Scobbie even more among those living in the most deprived areas (44.1 per cent).

The five year survival rate for those diagnosed at an early stage is almost 20 times higher than for those diagnosed at a late stage two.

McDiarmid man Tam said: “If I can use the number on my shirt to encourage people to act, then that’s a great thing.

“The earlier cancer is found, the easier it is to treat. If you’re worried about yourself or a loved one, don’t delay in making a GP appointmen­t – it could save your life.”

Dr Michelle Watts, associate medical director for Primary Care, NHS Tayside said: “If you’ve had a cough for three weeks or more, your GP wants to see you.

“It may be nothing serious but it does need to be checked as a persistent cough could be a potential sign of lung cancer.

“The earlier lung cancer is found, the easier it is to treat. You shouldn’t worry about wasting our time as the sooner we see you, the quicker we can help.”

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