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Mental health shake-up: your views


NHS Tayside officially went public with its preferred option for the future of some mental health services on Tuesday this week.

The PA published the article online, and we received a strong response to the proposals, which would see a shake-up for both the learning disability service and also the acute admissions for general adult psychiatry which are currently spread throughout­Tayside.

Here are some of your thoughts from our Facebook page.

Dianne Cristina: “Surely it costs same amount of finance to house learning disability or acute mental health in Perth for Perthshire patients.”

Shirley Rodgie :“We need to fight to keep you all in Perth. People need to get their voices heard. A plea to everyone. Can you email everyone you can about this including NHS Tayside and say how this affects the every day person. The team at Murray Royal and particular­ly the nurses in the crisis team, are amazing and very good at their jobs. We need them but the pencil pushers don’t actually see the true picture. People need to speak out about this.”

Craig Fraser:“The cuts that have been made across the last 5 years are criminal, it used to be a short wait for someone in a mental health crisis, now it’s months to be seen. People with mental health issues often can’t wait 6 months or more to be seen, the government can say that mental health is a priority but it’s a blatant lie and they should hang their heads in shame.

Gail Duncan :“Totally they honestly don’t care about our adults nor our kids shocking they should be ashamed x.”

Lynne McKay:“I hope the people making the decisions to do this never need this service... it’s a lifeline for a lot of people. Utterly disgusting!”

And, referring to the costs of building Murray Royal Hospital, which officially opened on June 14, 2013 Clint Budgen said - So lets waste another £75 MILLION by moving people and services out !!!!

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