Perthshire Advertiser

Britain wasn’t that Great


by the letter writer of course.

Then the people who voted for Labour at the General Election get the same treatment, the implicatio­n they are naive at best and prone to believing in fairy tales. Are fairy tales worse than horror stories? Is hope better than despair? The young weighed up which party offered them a future, a future which rightly belongs to them, and made their choice.

The Tory party and its bleak intent to go on inflicting austerity on us, didn’t appeal. That’s their right under democracy, and no amount of carping and moaning can alter that.

I am not young. I admit to being a pensioner. The Tories held no appeal for me either. How did I gain from the intended abolition of the triple lock, or possibly losing winter fuel allowance?

The letter implies Labour government­s were not fiscally astute, and implies bankruptcy might have happened. Just as well then said Labour government’s supposed spendthrif­t activities didn’t extend to giving £1bn to a party from Northern Ireland. This bribe to assist the Tories in enabling the full measure of Tory misery to be delivered to a punch drunk populace! Has the piggy bank been raided?

The letter writer can take comfort in the local situation, though. Lose an election? No problem, just elevate the losing candidate to the peerage, get him a seat in the House of Lords and into government that way. Now there is a wonderful example of the type of democracy favoured.

Unlike the letter writer, I have no qualms about putting my identity details to this correspond­ence. Hopefully Tory central office will take heed and note there have been no votes for them in this house and will never be. Allister Band Hermitage Drive Perth The first the PA’s winner of campaign Back the Bid spot the competitio­n Mrs Perth 2021 to Janice She Bain of logo was correctly Scone. the logo answered June was hiding 20’s where Thanks edition - inTuesday, to all page 10. There who is entered. for still time this week’s to enter competitio­n.

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