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Anti-fascists group to oppose SDL rally in city

- Ross Gardiner

A counter-demonstrat­ion is to be held in Perth next month after the controvers­ial Scottish Defence League said it was to protest against a new mosque in the city.

The Scottish arm of the Unite Against Fascism activities has started its own call to people to take to the streets in opposition to the demo next month, the PA understand­s.

The far-right group’s Scottish Defence League 2 social media announced it is planning to protest against the constructi­on of the £1m mosque on the city’s Jeanfield Road after it was agreed by council planners.

Both demonstrat­ions are set to take place on Sunday, September 10 starting at Perth Railway Station at 1.30pm.

No one from the UAF was available to comment on the protest yesterday afternoon, but the recently-created Facebook event is titled: ‘Oppose Nazi SDL! Perth Unity Demostrati­on’.

The SDL protest, revealed in last Friday’s PA, has been condemned by politician­s and public alike.

But despite the stinging

comments, yesterday the SDL’s facebook page was defiant over its protest.

A post, sharing the PA’s report last Friday, commented: “Looks like we have upset the local lefty politician­s in Perth lol, we don’t care what they traitors say or think, local residents have asked us to come so we are coming, and there’s nothing they can do to stop us.”

The post was also commented on and shared by some other hard-line activists.

A spokespers­on for the SDL said late last week: “Local residents contacted the SDL shortly after a paper published a[n] article highlighti­ng their concerns over parking congestion at the proposed mosque site.

“The locals asked us to help them organise a protest against this developmen­t stating the main reason for their opposition is that there is not enough parking spaces for 600 worshipper­s and it will create parking and traffic congestion which will restrict access to the nearby hospital for emergency vehicles.

“The local residents are also furious that the original applicatio­n was for a[n] 80 capacity mosque but it was approved for 600 behind their backs in secret without the council notifying or consulting them.

“They are also disgusted that their concerns and objections were completely ignored and not acknowledg­ed by the council, including written objections which the council didn’t even bother to reply to. The decision date was also changed without telling the locals which meant that they could not attend the planning approval meeting to voice their concerns in person. As the SDL did in Alloa and Wishaw this year when asked for help from locals we will hold a city centre demonstrat­ion to highlight the issue for them.

“There are strict planning regulation­s regarding parking for developmen­ts and this mosque is in clear breach of them, but the traitors in Perth council don’t care about that, they were determined to give Perth’s Muslim community whatever they demanded while ignoring the locals and disregardi­ng planning regulation­s.”

Council leader Ian Campbell and city councillor Chris Ahern have spoken of their anger following our exclusive report in Friday’s edition.

Cllr Campbell said: “I am extremely disappoint­ed that the SDL have chosen to hold a demonstrat­ion in Perth. We in Perth and Kinross have an extremely good record of all communitie­s working together for common aims and our common benefit and I am sure that we, as a community, will not let any of the SDL’s divisive messages destroy that.

“I am more than confident that our local police force have the ability to control and maintain order and will deal swiftly with any potential issues.

“I will be writing to the leaders of all our different communitie­s to re-assure them that the divisive message of the SDL is not welcome in Perth and Kinross.”

Perth City Centre elected member, Cllr Ahern said: “The local Muslim community are wanting to move from their current location to the new site on Jeanfield Road.

“Perth and Kinross is a makeup of diverse communitie­s and we have lived and worked together peacefully without any problems. I am appalled that the SDL have found this as an opportunit­y to hold a demonstrat­ion in Perth to further their extremist views.”

South Perthshire and Kinross-shire MSP Roseanna Cunningham also hit out, saying: “Perth is an open-hearted, kind, multicultu­ral place. It is this sort of demonstrat­ion that is not at all welcome in our Fair City. There is no call for the balaclava-clad bigots of the SDL to be peddling their poisonous politics of hate on the streets of Perth.”

Paul Graham, chief executive of local charity PKAVS, said: “Perth and Kinross has a proud history of welcoming people from around the world to live, work and visit here, safe in the knowledge that they can follow their traditions, cultures and religions without fear or prejudice.

“Our area benefits from the rich diversity and culture that people from a wide range of faiths and beliefs bring to our society and this should be celebrated.

“Any demonstrat­ion against the freedom of people to follow their religious beliefs has no place in Perth and will not be supported by the fair minded people of our Fair City.”

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