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Man drives vehicle at roadside cop

Driver had to be subdued by spray

- Court Reporter

A police constable had to jump clear to avoid being struck by a car on a country road near Auchterard­er.

And during a subsequent struggle as officers tried to arrest 56-year-old Alistair McLean, he had to be subdued with spray.

Perth Sheriff Court was told that he clung to the seatbelt strap and door frame of his Vauxhall Zafira to prevent them applying handcuffs.

Insisting he had done nothing wrong, he was shouting phrases such as “You are nothing but little Hitlers Gestapo b ****** s.

There was “real concern” he was going to break free from the officers and make off onto the busy A9, where he could have caused serious injury to himself or others.

The spray allowed two officers to apply rigid handcuffs but because of his continued belligeren­t behaviour, leg restraints had to be used to help get him into a police van.

The accused, of Fletcher Place, Crieff, escaped punishment after the court was told he had stayed out of further trouble for the past six months.

He admitted that on August 6 last year, on the unclassifi­ed road between the A9 Perth-Stirling road and the road to Kinkell Bridge, he conducted himself in a disorderly manner, shouted and swore and struggled violently with PCs Jason Salisbury and Vicky Taylor.

He also moved his car towards PC Salisbury, causing him to take evasive action.

The court was told that the accused had made contact with Murray Royal Hospital earlier that evening, stating he had taken an overdose of Valium at his home.

An ambulance was called and police were also alerted to go to his home.

The constables were told he had left in the car and it was parked “somewhere along the roadside.”

It was traced and PC Taylor pulled up in front of it after recognisin­g the accused sitting in the driving seat.

McLean then reversed away from the marked police vehicle and it “looked like he would make off.”

As the officer walked towards the Zafira to speak to the accused, he moved his vehicle forward, causing the officer to jump out of the way.

The constable then shouted twice at him to stop before he managed to grab the accused’s arm while the car was still in motion.

The ignition was switched off and the vehicle came to a halt but officers had difficulty removing him from the vehicle.

He was eventually taken to the ground on the soft roadside verge but continued to struggle, kicking his legs out and refusing to release his arms.

Solicitor Cliff Culley said McLean’s behaviour was triggered by him coming off medication.

“He accepts police shouldn’t have to put up with that sort of behaviour.”

After considerin­g a number of testimonia­ls submitted on the accused’s behalf, Sheriff William Wood deferred sentence for six months.

When he appeared for sentence recently, he was admonished.

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