Perthshire Advertiser

Tories lord it over will of the people


Dear Editor Angus Forbes of Blairgowri­e laments (Perthshire View, July 28, SNP’s Hollow Victory) that the Tories missed out in Perth and North Perthshire in June’s election by 21 votes.

What’s the problem? With the Tories’ usual lack of respect for democracy (unless the result suits them) their losing candidate got into parliament anyway.

Rejected by the electorate (regardless of how many votes). Ignore, just elevate the losing candidate to the peerage and gat him into government via the Lords.

Mr Forbes goes on to say, with not a trace of irony, that the will of the people should be accepted.

Maybe he can explain what that slogan does not apply to the Tories.

Will we see even more Tory losers ‘promoted’ to sit in the Lords in future?

Mr Forbes alleges that Perthshire and Scotland is moving to the Tories, a nightmare scenario indeed. Ruth the Mooth as first or even prime minister? What price would we have to pay for that?

Should the population save their pennies to add up to a billion pounds so that Ruth and her minions could arrange a pricey alliance with Aliens from Outer Space?

Ruth can’t do another Remploy, and put disabled persons out of work, already been done. As has the bedroom tax. Will Ruth’s nasty party declare that nurses, firemen and police officers are overpaid and cut their wages?

Increase working life to age 70-plus before getting State pension?

How many Tory election manifesto pledges would be back-tracked on, or totally abandoned?

Could it be that we would have to turn to the blessed Union, and have England bail us out and save us from the horrid clutches of the Tories?

Maybe Mr Forbes noticed that South of the border voters there moved away from the Tories.

It was the will of the people.

Allister Band Perth

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