Perthshire Advertiser

Tartan specials set to pound Perth’s streets

- Iain Howie

Perth will be the place to be again for sporting fun again this weekend with the return of Touch of Tartan Half Marathon and5km events.

Entrants are welcome to don a wee bit of tartan to a more bold statement for Saturday’s race and walk events.

The half marathon 13.4 miles trip takes in the same route as last year, from Scone and mixing in routes such as the A93 to off road forest trails and path challenges, including alongside the River Tay and looping around the North Inch to the finish.

As of Monday this week there were about 90 spaces left for keen runners to take on the inclines and challenges of routes around Scone and the Fair City with an appreciati­ve crowd there to cheer you home.

Entrants must be 18 or over and people can sign up to Saturday this week at a cost of £18.

To see the route, look up www.strava. com/activities/659562239

Meanwhile the 5km event for walkers and runners involves a flat figure of eight race taking place entirely on the North Inch, starting at 2.30pm. All finishers receive a goodie bag and medal.

Families are welcome to enter this event, but children under 16 must be accompa nied by an adult. Entry is £7.50 per person. On Monday there were spaces for around 170 people. Look up and search for Touch of Tartan Families make their way round the Perth circuit

 ??  ?? Fun day out
Fun day out

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