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Woman’s angry job centre outburst


A 24-year-old woman caused mayhem in Blairgowri­e Job Centre after challengin­g staff over unpaid benefits.

And when Zoe Tully was told to speak to her bank about the problem, she became aggressive and started shouting and swearing. She called them“thieving c***s” and continued with her outburst, despite being asked to leave.

When James Pieroni picked up his phone to dial 999, she“lunged across from her seat”and attempted to stop him making the call.

“She continued shouting and swearing and a member of staff moved forward to usher her from the premises,”explained depute fiscal Claire Kennedy.

“As she was making her way out, she knocked over a bin which had been holding the front door open.”

Tully, of Park Place, Rattray, admitted causing the disturbanc­e in the JobCentre Plus office in Perth Street, Blairgowri­e, on May 23 this year. She was subsequent­ly released on an undertakin­g - and told not to return to the premises.

But she pled guilty to attempting to get in the following day, May 24.

Ms Kennedy said that the accused had gone to the office to speak to a supervisor as she felt she hadn’t been paid.

“She was advised that wasn’t the case and she would have to speak to her bank as to why the money wasn’t showing in her account.

“She wasn’t happy with this and started shouting and swearing at members of staff and accusing them of stealing money from her.”

Solicitor David Holmes said the accused had“no memory”of what had happened.

She hadn’t returned to the JobCentre since May 24.

Sheriff William Wood deferred sentence on Tully until January 25 and warned her to stay out of further trouble until then.

“This was an angry outburst - for whatever reasons,”he said.

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