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Keeping up with your resolution


Across Perth and Kinross there are people from all walks of life promising themselves that 2018 will be the year they get fit, run a marathon or use that gym membership to full effect.

In a Yougov poll last year resolution­s that focused on making changes to enhance and improve lifestyle hit the top three spots as the nation undertook to lose weight, become fitter and eat more healthily.

However, when it comes to new year resolution­s around 63 per cent of us will fail and of those people 66 per cent will have fallen off the wagon by the end of January.

Ensuring you don’t end up a February failure statistic is easier than you might think. The trick is to find something you enjoy and then set a realistic goal. Small steps, done consistent­ly will result in far larger gains and you will discover a real sense of achievemen­t as you hit your targets.

This in turn will keep your motivation high, spurring you on to greater things as your fitness levels improve.

Live Active Leisure’s experts have compiled some handy tips for bringing long term lifestyle changes and resolution success.

Ask for help

All too often we throw ourselves into these changes without really knowing what to do. If you’re new to the gym, to classes or to fitness in general then ask at your local venue about an induction or advice on compiling a personal programme. You may also want to look at booking in a short course of personal training sessions or joining one of the beginners‘how to’classes, including circuits, body pump and kettle bells, at LAL venues across Perth and Kinross. For the runners check out for details on couch to 5K and 5K and beyond.

Buddy up

A study published in the British Journal of Health Psychology shows that buddying up makes you more likely to go to the class, gym or running track. It seems that, although we might talk ourselves out of it, we won’t let down a friend.

Your happy place

If you hate the gym no amount of self-belief will keep you there long-term so finding your happy place is the real key to success. There are a huge number of fitness classes, running clubs and sports clubs out there as well as low-impact classes and Stride For Life walks for those who have been out of fitness for a long time. You may need to try a few to find your best fit but ultimately this will ensure regular, enjoyable sessions that will see your heart rate and your confidence soar.

Set a goal

Whether it’s to reach 15 minutes on the treadmill or get to the end of the circuits class without stopping, a goal is a way of staying motivated. Start small and work up to the bigger events such as the Pitlochry or Perth 10K races, one of the local triathlons or perhaps a marathon in 2019.

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