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Adam runs rings round Kris

Perth runner stunned on finish line with proposal

- Douglas Dickie

A Perth runner was left stunned when she completed a 100km race and found her boyfriend at the finish line with a wedding proposal.

Thirty-year-old Kris Mich

Adam was waiting for Kris when she finished the race had been running the Dixons Carphone race across the North Wessex Downs with four other members of the Perth Road Runners.

She thought boyfriend Adam Bain was at home in the Fair City.

But instead he had made his way to England and was at the finishing line with an engagement ring, and Kris was only too happy to accept the proposal.

Adam, who met Kris online, revealed he had to employ some trickery to pull off the surprise.

He said: “There were a few things that needed to align to make it so special.

“Firstly she didn’t know I was there – she thought I was at home in Scotland. I even went out with a friend on the Friday at home to take photos, which I sent on the Saturday evening to make her think I was out at home while in fact I was in a hotel room in Bath.

“Secondly she needed to finish with her friend Kirstie. Kirstie carried our ‘Little Book of Firsts’ that I had made for her and she carried it to the finish.

“Thirdly, I had no idea what would happen at the finish, but the PR team and I ran through a few options and the best one came from Nigel on the mic. This was to have the crowd part and for me to be there. A quick rehearsal prior to Kristen’s arrival allowed for a flawless execution.”

Kris admitted she had felt like quitting the race with a few miles to go, but her running mates, who were in on the surprise, managed to keep her going.

She said: “I got to about 98km and emotion took over. I wanted to give up and started crying.

“My friends Sara and Kirstie kept telling me that I had a short bit to go and the feeling at the finish line would be worth it. I hugged my friend Jenny who was waiting at the finish line and sobbed.

“When I turned round my friend Kirstie had this book with Our Little Book of Firsts written on it. There were various pictures Adam had put together of our adventures together so far.

“Our song, The Best by Tina Turner, came on and I still didn’t click, I just thought he had maybe organised the song and book as a surprise since he couldn’t be there at the end.

“Then I flicked to the last page with a picture of the words ‘Will you marry me?’

“Then someone whisked me around and I saw Adam on one knee with a ring. I’m not joking when I did question myself if this was really happening or if I had perhaps collapsed during the race and I was dreaming it all.

“It was the best moment of my life and one I won’t ever forget.”

The pair, who were quick to thank the organisers of the race who had helped Adam, celebrated with a stay in a luxury hotel in Bath.

But Kris admitted not everything at the proposal went according to plan.

She laughed: “Poor Adam had to deal with how bad I must have smelt after 100km. Now that’s true love.”

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Finish line

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