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Banned from contacting ex


A Perth man who turned up at his estranged wife’s house uninvited and rummaged through her bedroom drawers has been banned from contacting her for a year.

Thirty-eight-year-old Mark Fowler, of Balvaird Place, has also been barred from entering Iona Court, where she lives.

Depute fiscal Carol Whyte told Perth Sheriff Court that he had telephoned his wife to tell her what he had done and she was very alarmed.

Fowler admitted that on February 16 he behaved in a threatenin­g or abusive manner which caused Laura Fowler fear or alarm.

The court was told that the couple had been married for 17 years but the relationsh­ip had ended six months before this incident.

During the telephone call the accused talked about items that he knew were within the house.

“The complainer was very alarmed as she hadn’t disclosed she had these items to anyone,” explained the fiscal.

The police were contacted and the accused was detained. When he was charged he replied: “I just want it sorted out.”

Solicitor David Holmes said the accused had been worried about his marriage and wanted it to continue.

“Curiosity and his own feelings got the better of him and he did rummage through the drawers,” the agent said. “Having done that, he felt bad about it and told his wife.”

But the lawyer added: “He’s no threat to his wife.”

Sheriff Lindsay Foulis deferred sentence on Fowler for a year and ordered him to stay out of trouble until then.

He is prohibited from approachin­g or contacting his wife and going to her home.

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