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Romance is the topic


Kinross resident Tracy Gow, aka Ella Hays On Thursday, February 14 residents of Scone are invited to enjoy some‘Love in the Afternoon’, by coming to a talk about romance writing from Mills and Boon author, Ella Hays.

Ella - or Tracy Gow as her friends and neighbours know her - lives in Kinross and picked up the pen name Ella Hayes when she joined the internatio­nal publishing house Mills and Boon.

She’s happy to celebrate St Valentine’s Day at Scone Library in Sandy Road, at 2.30pm, by speaking about how she became a romance author and reading from her book,‘Her Brooding Scottish Heir’.

As well as revealing what happens in the romance, which is set in a Highland bothy, she’ll explain what it feels like to be just a few months in from first seeing her story appear on the shelves in bookshops.

Ella will also prove the theory that there’s no rest for the wicked: she’s got another new title in the pipeline keeping her busy.

There’ll be a Q & A session, tea and cake and a raffle with Mills and Boon titles to win.

Tickets cost £3 including tea and cake, available from the library, call 01738 459565 to book or visit

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