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Housing plans are thrown out


Housing plans in Crook of Devon have been scuppered following the independen­t examinatio­n of the council’s local developmen­t plan (LDP).

The independen­t report was taken by four reporters appointed by Scottish ministers. This summer, they outlined modificati­ons to the latest LDP in a 962page report.

Independen­t councillor Michael Barnacle is furious their assessment supports zoning in Blairingon­e which now has no facilities but rules out building in Crook of Devon which boasts a school, inn, shops and garage.

He has slammed their assessment as “flawed” and “not completely factual.”

He added: “It says there’s strong local opposition.

“If that was the case, why did all four local members propose building there?”

Cllr Barnacle says he supports sustainabl­e planning and is perplexed as to why they have sanctioned Blairingon­e being considered for developmen­t when there are “no services - not even a school thanks to the council.”

He says all four Kinross-shire councillor­s supported the original LDP it for Kinross-shire and he is dismayed that “unelected reporters can discount that.”

The Kinross-shire councillor said only MSPs could step in now but thinks they “showed no inclinatio­n to do that.”

He says a developer lined up to develop in Crook of Devon was seeking to make 50 per cent of the homes affordable which he says would be a change from the “houses being built for the Edinburgh market.”

Conservati­ve Kinross-shire councillor Callum Purves said: “I think it is disappoint­ing that an unelected reporter has ridden roughshod over the views of the democratic­ally elected members in Kinross-shire and indeed, of the wider council, in relation to the housing density ranges.

“They were supposed to provide greater certainty for communitie­s with an absolute maximum at the top of the range on the site and now we seem to be in a worse situation than before with the reporter’s ruling that the entire range should be treated as indicative.”

A Scottish Government spokespers­on said: “The Perth and Kinross local developmen­t plan examinatio­n report has been issued to the council to consider the recommenda­tions contained in it and decide whether or not to accept these.”

The report’s findings will be considered at a full council meeting on September 25.

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