Perthshire Advertiser

Drunken taxi passenger struggled with cops


A drunken woman repeatedly fell asleep in a taxi taking her to a Perth housing estate.

And when 38-year-old Charlene Campbell was eventually roused by the cab driver, she unleashed a torrent of abuse at him.

The police were alerted but she then struggled with three officers in a bid to avoid arrest - and then repeatedly kicked one of them on the body.

The accused, of Springbank Road, Alyth, will be sentenced on December 4 after a background report has been prepared.

She admitted failing to pay the £8.90 fare from Fortingall Place to Argyll Road on November 28 last year.

She then repeatedly shouted and swore in Bute Drive, near its junction with Cumbrae Place, and struggled with the three officers.

A third charge of assaulting PC Lesley McDonald was also admitted.

Depute fiscal Lisa Marshall said the taxi driver received a call about 8pm to pick up a fare in Fortingall Place.

She added: “A male then helped the accused, who was heavily intoxicate­d, to get into his taxi.

“Throughout the journey the accused was occasional­ly sleeping and then waking up and shouting ‘f*** off.’

“The driver stopped to let the male out and was advised the accused would pay the fare.”

Campbell fell asleep again and when they arrived in Argyll Road and she woke up, she said she had no cash.

He was advised to drive to the police station but she again refused to pay the fare.

“She continued swearing at the officers and kicked PC McDonald on the right knee and was arrested.

“When she was taken out the taxi she continued to struggle.

“She then fell over and pulled the officers over with her.”

Rigid handcuffs were applied and when she sobered up she appeared from custody the following day.

Sheriff William Wood told her: “Because of your record and the nature of the offence, I will call for a community justice social work report.”

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