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On sex register after posting intimate film


A Perth man who posted a video of him having sex with a teenage student on social media will be sentenced at the sheriff court on March 25.

Twenty-year-old Louis George, formerly of Tweedsmuir Road and now of Castle View, had his name added to the sex offenders’register after he was convicted of intending to cause the victim “fear, alarm or distress.”

A background report was ordered before a sheriff decides his fate.

He was found guilty after trial of sending two video recordings of the teen, who cannot be named, showing her in an “intimate situation”with him at his then house in Tweedsmuir Road on November 2, 2018.

They were sent without her consent, contrary to the 2016 Abusive Behaviour and Sexual Harm (Scotland) Act.

George was freed on bail meantime. The 19-year-old student said George, of Tweedsmuir Road, Perth, told her he had to go to work the morning after and gave her“a handful of change for a taxi”, but she ended up walking home.

Later that day at college, it emerged a number of people had received video footage from George of her having sex with him at his home.

The teenager said the impact was overwhelmi­ng and left her feeling depressed, adding: “It was a wash of dread coming over me.”

She said she messaged George and asked him to remove the video from public view, but felt he was not taking her seriously.

She told the trial she was encouraged by her friends to report the matter to the police and said she later felt“suicidal”over what happened.

The trial was told she had never met George before but he had been with a group of her friends when she entered the Sandeman Bar in Perth. She said she had been persuaded to go out by her friend.

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