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A look at life in our ‘socialistr­epublic’


I write in praise of George Ross for his magnificen­t letter (Indy Scotland would be a Banana Republic, PA, September 1).

He starts with a mention of COVID-19 and moves on to future socio-economic and constituti­onal conditions.

On COVID-19, I have no doubt that Nicola Sturgeon sent Scottish agents abroad to catch the virus, bring it to Scotland and spread it to England, purely to show Boris Johnson as incompeten­t, and herself as worldbeati­ng, when it comes to a national health emergency.

She seems to have succeeded admirably with this devious plot.

Mr Ross then warns us about people being deluded by “... the downright stupidity of the verbiage spewed out ... by nationalis­t politician­s”.

Opinion polls suggest over half the population are inclined towards supporting independen­ce.

According to him, they have been deluded by stupidity – the conclusion must be that a majority of this nation are of extremely low intelligen­ce. Bravo for not holding back, Mr Ross.

Mr Ross informs us that we are headed for an impoverish­ed, cryptoMarx­ist regime if independen­ce is gained.

I suspected that – I noticed that the SNP had changed its colours to red and its logo to a crossed thistle and sickle.

An insider also informed me that Nicola had been overheard on the phone to Moscow asking about the cost of KGB uniforms.

We are so lucky that Scotland is a bolt-on bit to England. Even under the Tories – the tightest of the tight when it comes to money-grabbing – London wants to hang on to us and subsidise us to the hilt.

There’s true love for you – it’s not as if Westminste­r politician­s would lie, hide the fact that they profit from Scotland and consider us a pack of idiots, easily deluded, as per the George Ross formula, would they?

A future Scotland will be subjected to coups and putsches according to Mr Ross.

I think the various groups are already planning revolts. If you walk into a surgery waiting room people stop talking and look at you. It is obvious they are up to no good.

I’ve even noticed people walking around wearing face masks; they are probably plotting and don’t want lipreaders to know what evil they intend.

I’m sure when the dreadful days arrive Mr Ross, being so visionary, will find a safe niche for himself away from the Kaledonian Komrades Republik.

He would make a good ambassador­for-life to the English Free State.

London would be a good location for him. Who can blame him for wishing his body to stand where his heart lies.

Thomas R Burgess St Catherine’s Square


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