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More than half of Foi’s not‘satisfied’


more than half of all Freedom of informatio­n requests submitted to Perth and Kinross Council were not satisfied in full.

during 2019/20, PKC received 1569 requests under the Freedom of informatio­n scotland act 2002.

this was a decline by 6.7 per cent from the previous year.

the informatio­n has been revealed in a report to PKC’s scrutiny committee, which is due to meet on Wednesday, september 9.

the council’s informatio­n governance manager said PKC’s “response rate was adversely affected by the workload arising from subject access requests and by the impact of measures to cope with coronaviru­s.”

he also said the“volume and complexity of requests present an ongoing challenge to meet response deadlines.”

the council processed 1523 of the 1569 requests but only fully satisfied 43 per cent (653) of the 1523 processed requests.

a further 518 (34 per cent) were satisfied in part and almost a quarter - 352 (23 per cent) - resulted in no informatio­n being issued to the requester.

the informatio­n governance manager added:“Where informatio­n was not provided, 35 requests were refused completely or in part on the grounds of excessive cost - the estimated cost involved in processing being in excess of £600.”

the main reasons cited by PKC for not providing informatio­n were either that the informatio­n was not held by the council; personal data or informatio­n was otherwise exempt under Foisa, or it was already available to the public.

the council received 36 requests to review its decision. Five of these were subsequent­ly appealed to the scottish informatio­n Commission­er.

PKC’s informatio­n governance manager said all five are still under investigat­ion by the commission­er.

the scrutiny committee will consider and comment on the report’s findings on Wednesday.

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