Perthshire Advertiser

‘Great news’ for region’s COVID recovery


Council leader Murray Lyle described the passing of the Perth West applicatio­n as“great news”.

And he reckons it will help the region recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cllr Lyle said:“Perth West is one of three strategic projects identified in the Council’s 2019 Local Developmen­t Plan. This project comes forward in the context of the Perth and Kinross Climate Emergency Response and the post-COVID economic recovery and is supported by £5 million of Tay Cities Deal funding. We look forward to the opportunit­ies being offered by Perth West coming forward to stimulate sustainabl­e economic growth for the region.”

Alexander Dewar, trustee of applicant John Dewar Lamberkin Trust, added:“I am delighted to move forward with the most ambitious business developmen­t project in

Scotland. Perth West comes forward at a time of significan­t change in how we live and work and in the context of a climate emergency and economic crisis. Our vision for Perth West delivers a platform for highly skilled jobs in Perth, combined with zero carbon public transport and logistics, carless neighbourh­oods and renewable energy infrastruc­ture”.

It is estimated the Perth West project, which is set to be delivered from next year onwards, will generate £493m additional GVA (gross valued added) to the economy of Tayside over 25 years, plus council tax and business rates revenue.

However, the developmen­t received a lukewarm response on the PA’s Facebook page when we broke the news on Tuesday, with many locals calling on the council to turn its attention and funds to the city centre instead.

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