Perthshire Advertiser

Investing in the region’s children


This month, the Scottish Government is expanding free early learning and childcare.

As a result of this transforma­tional policy, up to 130,000 children across Scotland will benefit from 1140 hours of free early learning and childcare per year – a huge increase from the previous level of 600 hours.

Not only will this move help ensure that children have the best start in life, it will also save families approximat­ely £4900 in childcare costs per child each year. This offer is available to all three and four-year-olds, as well as two-year-olds who need it most.

To make this policy a reality, the Scottish Government has invested over £1 billion in early learning and childcare in 2021-22 alone, and worked closely with local authoritie­s and early learning and childcare providers across the country.

When the SNP ran for re-election earlier this year, we promised to put children at the heart of our vision for a fairer, stronger Scotland. Within 100 days of forming a new government, we have already begun delivering on this promise.

Since being re-elected, we have increased the School Clothing Grant to £120 per primary pupil and £150 per secondary pupil. This will ensure that 1850 children from low-income families across Perth and Kinross are able to afford quality school uniforms.

We have also removed fees for musical tuition, with our £7 million investment ensuring that no child will be denied the opportunit­y to learn how to play an instrument because of economic circumstan­ces outside of their control.

Additional­ly, we have announced that £6m of funding will be allocated to councils across Scotland to pay for extra charges that are incurred in some courses, such as equipment needed for home economics or the costs of a theatre trip.

We have pledged £60m to refurbish every single playpark in Scotland, thus ensuring that children have a future-proofed and safe place to play.

And we have made the historic commitment to provide every child with their own tablet or laptop throughout school, equipped with an internet connection and full technical support. This bold, progressiv­e move will help us to tear down the barriers to education and achievemen­t that too many children face.

I am proud to be part of a government that puts the wellbeing of children at the forefront of its priorities, and I look forward to seeing the positive impact that these policies will have on the lives of children and families across Perthshire in the years ahead.

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