Perthshire Advertiser

Brexitchic­kens come hometoroos­t

- Dear Editor Alex Orr Dear Editor Clark Cross Dear Editor Geoff Moore

With latest statistics highlighti­ng that Scotland’s trade has plummeted since leaving the European Union, I was struck by recent research undertaken by economists at University of Groningen in the Netherland­s.

Using state-of-the-art modelling to look at the impact of Brexit on trade for the UK and the devolved nations, it notes that Scotland could “undo the damage” of Brexit if it joined the EU as an independen­t nation.

As part of its ‘Global Britain’ strategy, in the wake of Brexit the UK is pursuing a series of Free Trade Agreements with countries around the world, including Canada, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Norway, Switzerlan­d, Turkey and possibly the United States.

However, the research finds that ‘Global Britain’ yields insufficie­nt trade creation to compensate for Brexit trade losses and any losses due to Scottish independen­ce from the rest of the UK could be entirely removed conditiona­l on a renewed trade deal with the EU.

The Brexit chickens are indeed coming home to roost and it is increasing­ly clear that the only way to insulate ourselves from the long-term damage of Tory narrow nationalis­m is to become an independen­t nation, regaining the economic and trading benefits of EU membership.

Notasmartm­oveby powercompa­nies

Energy companies are taking out full page adverts enticing people to fit smart meters.

This is not to help the householde­r but to stop energy companies being fined by the government for not fitting enough.

E.ON £7 million, Npower £2.4 million, OVO £ 1.2 million, SSE £700k and others.

The government belatedly realised that there would not be enough electricit­y, because of unreliable wind and sun, so smart meters will be used to cut off households and businesses when there is danger of blackouts.

There are even contingenc­y plans to suck back the stored electricit­y from electric cars which are plugged in.

Still thinking of installing a smart meter and buying an EV?

What’sthetruth behindpric­esrises?

It is easy to find energy companies that claim to supply 100 per cent renewable electricit­y.

But now these companies are using rising gas prices as an excuse for raising their prices.

You’d be forgiven for thinking that they have been lying all along.

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