Pick Me Up!

Is My Hubby Cheating?

Natalie, 25, Haslingden, Lancashire


My husband and I have been together for six years, and happily married for three. About a month ago, we decided it was time to start a family. Everything was fine until I went to grab a pen from his work bag and discovered a box of condoms. I was shocked and confused to find it open, with some missing. I can’t think why he’d have them when we’re trying for a baby, unless he’s cheating. Should I confront my husband?


Pick Me Up! reader Laura Jackman says, ‘Just ask your husband outright why he has condoms in his work bag. If he has nothing to hide, then I’m sure there’ll be a perfectly logical explanatio­n. On the other hand, if he is a cheat, at least you’ll finally know.

You need to gauge his reaction carefully and see what he says. This way you can make an informed decision based on fact rather than fantasy.’


Pick Me Up! reader Mel Anderson says, ‘Seeing as they’re in his work bag, which he takes out of the house regularly, you’re right to be suspicious. However, confrontin­g him with just this as evidence alone could make him be sneakier.

Personally, I’d play detective. Figure out if he’s at work when he says he is, and take note of when he’s working late. Sadly, it sounds like he’s cheating, but you’ll need more than a box of condoms to prove it.’

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