Pick Me Up!

Your stars

7 days of hope & happiness 16 – 22 July

- with Claire Petulengro www.theastrolo­gyroom.com

ARIES 21 March–20 April

Scared is what you may be feeling, but brave is what you really are. You find yourself in a more reflective mood this week, but you don’t have time for wishy washy words. Those you wish to talk with you call, and those who have annoyed you, you avoid. The chance to make more money requires you to step down off your moral high horse. Call: 09058 170 710*

TAURUS 21 April–21 May

Unfold your own myth, Taurus. Close ones think they know you, but they’re about to find out they’ve barely scratched the surface. The need to locate missing items could see you throwing accusation­s at those same people. Jupiter makes it possible for you to take an arrogant attitude and run with it. Time on your own births some exciting plans or ideas this week. Call: 09058 170 711*

GEMINI 22 May–21 June

You care more for a certain person, than you are letting on. Try to fly high, but with other people’s feelings taken into considerat­ion. It can make all the difference as to whether you move forward as one, or separately as individual­s. Be kind to older faces who want something you are not able to give them. Time is free and would benefit both ways. Call: 09058 170 712*

CANCER 22 June–23 July

Courage for your sign, is often found in unlikely places. You start as you mean to go on in business this week, as you finally build a base that can hold strong. You’ve had to admit what and who has not been working for you, and you have done so with love and grace. So don’t be afraid to continue, regardless of what emotional rubbish others throw your way. Call: 09058 170 713*

LEO 24 July–23 Aug

Yes, life has been hard for you recently, but remember to look at just how far you’ve come. Also remember that although you’ve struggled, who wouldn’t in your shoes? You make it through. The higher the mountain, Leo, the better the view from the top. You’re allowed to change your mind in matters of love. Don’t let friends tell you different this week. Be you. Call: 09058 170 714*

VIRGO 24 Aug–23 Sept

You had no choice but to keep going for those you love. What you didn’t make, is time for yourself though. Insight you get into others lives this week, makes you realise how little you actually really know. This life is what you make it. Make this week count by signing up for what you know you want and need to happen next. Your future’s waiting for you, Virgo. Call: 09058 170 715*

LIBRA 24 Sept–23 Oct

Dare to discuss the status quo, rather than sticking your head in the sand. You know you don’t like it there! Everyone involved knows what the problem is. You should be the bigger person and lay it out on the table for discussion. Time spent going over paperwork and figures will help you this week. It’s the key to you bringing all areas of your life onto a more even and balanced keel. Call: 09058 170 716*

SCORPIO 24 Oct–22 Nov

What you’re thinking about and what you’re doing are not in line. Others know that you will make that announceme­nt one day soon, so get the hard bit over and done with. You’ll soon see that it was others influence who was holding you back. It’s your future, so make sure you grab it with both hands. Phone calls change the romantic status quo. Call: 09058 170 717*

SAGITTARIU­S 23 Nov–21 Dec

You think you have more time to get things done than you really do. Try to be one step ahead of the game this week, and get things ready early. You’ll thank me if you do, Sagittariu­s. Knowledge you hold over a work contact must stay private. You’re going to be working closely with them in the future. Don’t create an atmosphere where there need be none. Call: 09058 170 718*

CAPRICORN 22 Dec–20 Jan

Old habits begin to creep in and you begin to worry that you are running out of self control. Patience with yourself is the greatest gift you can receive this week. Use it well my friend. These are some big decisions your sign has to make in the coming weeks, so don’t rush it. A relationsh­ip problem will finally be ironed out this week, if you stay open to other new ideas on Friday. Call: 09058 170 719*

AQUARIUS 21 Jan–19 Feb

Don’t be afraid of saying the wrong thing, but rather let an open heart lead the way. Those you talk to this week may be making up many of their facts. Check with the source first, before you fly off the handle. It could save you having to spend most of next weekend clearing up the mess you’ve made. You’re better than that. Focus on the future now, not looking back to the past. Call: 09058 170 720*

PISCES 20 Feb–20 March

If you’re not getting what you want, then you should try changing your tactics. You’ve obviously hit a nerve with a close one. What needed to be said, has been spoken. Show them that you’re willing to put it behind you, if they are. Flirtation­s heat up and you’re left having to ask yourself some pretty heavy moral questions. Honesty is your key to personal happiness. Call: 09058 170 721*

*Starlines updated every Thursday. Calls cost 80p per min plus your telephone company’s network access charge and last approx 4 mins. Callers must be 18+. You must have bill payer’s permission. SP: Spoke 0333 202 3390.

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