Pick Me Up!

Your stars

7 days of hope & happiness with Claire Petulengro


ARIES 21 March–20 April

Don’t look for more opportunit­ies, but make them instead. You start to see yourself as the person you want to become, rather than the person others painted you out to be. Conversati­ons which start off as polite soon become personal. Try not to worry about those that we know don’t want to help themselves. Be the teacher in the lessons they need to learn. Call: 09058 170 710*

LEO 24 July–23 Aug

Your anxiety begins to turn into energy this week. You are feeling ready to get back out into the big wide world again. You’re not thinking small, either. You want to take your new freedom and run with it. Don’t throw out the idea of working as a team to start with. Not only can you not possibly know everything, but your stars tell me that two heads are better than one this week. Call: 09058 170 714*

SAGITTARIU­S 23 Nov–21 Dec

Opportunit­y dances with those who are already on the dance floor. So what are you waiting for, Sagittariu­s? Get up and make your move. You faced delays, but now you have your cue to move forward. You haven’t forgotten how. Put one foot in front of the other, and before you know it, you will be the star of the floor. Love requires a white lie to save feelings. Call: 09058 170 718*

TAURUS 21 April–21 May

Sudden actions by others took some planning, which means they have been keeping you in the dark for some time. Rather than be angry, consider yourself lucky to be gone from the influence of those who only ever brought you down. Juggling funds would be better done out in the open with those involved, than it would alone. Realise this sooner rather than later. Call: 09058 170 711*

VIRGO 24 Aug–23 Sept

Mars turns petty words into big arguments. Try to weigh up what is really worth falling out about. I think you’ll find creating and experienci­ng bonding time is far more beneficial to your health and immune system. You can’t wave a magic wand over a close one’s falling out, but you can give them time to vent about the situation. Friendship works both ways, Virgo! Call: 09058 170 715*

CAPRICORN 22 Dec–20 Jan

What are you waiting for, Capricorn? No one is going to ask you if you’re ready. Don’t waste time regretting not achieving your dreams, when you could be out there enjoying them. Aries link to work changes this week, which you need in order to maintain your independen­ce. Two wrongs don’t make a right in love, so try to reign in that outrageous mood of yours this weekend. Call: 09058 170 719*

GEMINI 22 May–21 June

If you find a path with no obstacles along the way, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere. You begin to wonder if you wasted your time earlier this year, but your stars tell me that you were faced with no other choice. Children prove expensive and difficult to arrange. Make sure that you involve those whose influence is shared in such affairs. Texts tell lies Friday. Beware. Call: 09058 170 712*

LIBRA 24 Sept–23 Oct

The stars are finally lining up to put order and sense back into your life. You no longer feel as if you have to fall into line, but instead you are intent on creating your own path for the future. Good for you! Something you thought would cost you heavily is actually coming your way at a huge discount this week. Things are looking up for you. You must have left quite a lasting impression last week, Libra! Call: 09058 170 716*

AQUARIUS 21 Jan–19 Feb

Telling tales on others won’t do you any good. It will only take you backwards, my friend. Try not to use those who feel stronger about you than you do about them. You are wasting time which could be much better spent on those who you want to be a part of your future. Covering up for others at work could get you involved in something you never began in the first place. Be careful. Call: 09058 170 720*

CANCER 22 June–23 July

You know you don’t have to suffer in silence, Cancer. It should, and can, be up to you who you choose to spend your time with. Make it so with important changes you make this week to safeguard your profession­al future. Time spent on your own this week helps you work out which direction your next step should be in. Dream big. Success is waiting if you be all you. Call: 09058 170 713*

SCORPIO 24 Oct–22 Nov

Why are you in such a hurry to get answers, when you haven’t yet seen all of the evidence? Could it be that you had already made your mind up anyway and you were just using recent events and words as a get out clause? I hope not, Scorpio. To really believe in your dreams, you must believe that they are important enough to be valid reason on their own. Call: 09058 170 717*

PISCES 20 Feb–20 March

Never treat life casually, Pisces. You are, after all, a sign who cannot help but attract drama. Instead, try to be the main player on the stage of your life. It is what your sign was born for. Go easy on those who have not been sticking to the rules lately. They have been going through more mixed emotions than you know. Use Tuesday to ask again for what you truly want and need. Call: 09058 170 721*

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