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So many of us are guilty of having a junk drawer stuffed full of cables, old chargers and ipods from years gone by.

But Recycle Your Electrical­s has found that your unwanted tech could be a goldmine worth £1,300!

But before you decide to sell your unused electrical­s, you need to make sure your privacy is protected.

Tony Sales, co-founder of crime prevention specialist­s We Fight Fraud, has shared his top tips for getting your devices ready for resale.

1. Laptops and desktop computers

Don’t just delete your home folder and think the job is done. Valuable data can be stored in places you might not think to look – browsers like Google Chrome can store login informatio­n for accounts and even your card details.

So returning your device to its factory settings is essential. On most computer operating systems, there will be a ‘Reset to Factory Settings’ option in settings.

2. USB sticks and SD cards

Always ensure you thoroughly delete the data. If you use a Windows computer, use the free Windows Eraser app to delete your data. If you’re using a Mac device, use the Disk Utility app.

Just ensure to set your security settings to ‘most secure’ when deleting your data, or it will not work.

3. Household items

Devices you have connected to your home Wifi, such as smart watches,

CCTV cameras, TVS, ovens and even smart fish tanks, can store data that criminals can obtain and use against you.

Check your product manufactur­er’s instructio­ns on how to destroy this data before you resell.

4. Choose where to sell

Be aware of the difference between online platforms like ebay and Facebook, and third-party sellers like CEX.

While selling online can earn you more money, you have responsibi­lity for the safety of your data.

If you sell through a licensed third-party seller, you may make less money, but they will ensure that your data is properly destroyed.

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