Portsmouth News

Fond memories


Thank you for your photo in Remember When of Tesco in West Street, Fareham (November 4).

I was one to start there when it first opened and enjoyed seven-and-a-half years there under the management of Mr and Mrs Laurie Lee with Mr Mantle and Mrs Betty Bellinger.

We were a happy crowd and had some great times there.

In those days we had closing on Wednesday afternoon, and all day on Sunday.

On some of these, days trips were organised to the various factories as well as trips to Albert Hall and Victoria Palace.

After Mr and Mrs Lee left a new manager arrived in the form of Mr Ron Belding, who used to pick me up to take me to work as I had moved from Paulsgrove to Cowplain by then.

Again trips were organised – a day on the river in London was one. I moved to the Southsea branch just after as we had taken over Victor Value and I again spent many years there, although on several occasions I moved to help in other branches in the city.

One thing I do remember is something that possibly would not happen in branches today.

During a refit in Fareham to enlarge the range, Ian McClaurin, who was a CEO, came to see how things were going and actually took his jacket off and helped to fill the shelves for reopening. Many happy days were had at all the stores, but mostly for 30 years-plus at Albert Road in Southsea.

So to today's managers and staff over the years who I have known – and some who have gone to the great big Tesco above – I say thank you, God bless and I remember with love.

Mike Hawkins London Road, Cowplain

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