Portsmouth News

Warning over ‘thriving’ ticks


HUMID weather has created the perfect conditions for ticks to run rampant in Hampshire, the county council has warned.

Hampshire County Council is urging everyone to be ‘tick aware’ when spending time outdoors, amid the changeable conditions of the past few weeks.

Councillor Liz Fairhurst, Hampshire’s executive lead member for adult services and public health, said: ‘Ticks thrive in the sort of humid weather we’ve been experienci­ng at the start of the holiday period, so be sure to cover your arms and legs if you are out walking in wooded areas or long grass where they wait to attach themselves to passers-by.

‘Don’t forget to check pets too.’

The county council has advised that the best way to avoid being bitten by ticks when out walking is to keep to footpaths and avoid long grass.

These tiny insects can transmit bacteria such as Lyme disease, and can be brought into the home by people and pets alike.

If you do get bitten by a tick, removing it quickly and correctly can help to reduce any potential risk. The only safe way to remove a tick is to use a pair of finetipped tweezers, or an easyto-use device which can be purchased from pharmacies or vets.

People are also advised by Public Health England to wear light coloured fabrics that may help you spot a tick on your clothes, use insect repellent in your home and check your skin for ticks, particular­ly at the end of the day, including your head, neck and skin folds.

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