Portsmouth News

All life matters


John Frame (Racism is alive, sadly, November 25) and Keith Allman (Boomer bingo, November 26) have both been riled by my letter titled UK ‘racism’ is media driven (November 23).

I expected some comeback but strewth! I suggested that the media is amplifying anti-racism, not that racism is media driven. There is a huge difference in context between the two.

Mr Frame suggested that I am living in cloud cuckoo land. Given the current political and social climates, aren’t we all?

Mr Allman suggested that I’m playing ‘Boomer bingo’, whatever that is? I could interpret boomer as cultural prejudice but I’m guessing he thinks I’m a large male kangaroo on a surf board.

While I’m at it, I wasn’t born in the PO post code but I have lived in Pompey for 50 of my 71 years and I have occasional­ly ventured over the hill, into the sticks, smoke and beyond.

Also, while I’m in super picky mode, I did not use the currently sensitive phrase ‘all lives matter’. I actually wrote ‘all life matters’. Very relevant in these ecology aware times. Us humans are always thinking about ourselves and at this rate we are going to expire long before our beautiful planet. Sorry, I digress.

Of course verbal racism is very real but I feel we should be careful to keep it in context with more pressing matters, like greed, environmen­t, drug culture, knife crime, lack of policing, soft sentencing, broken social contract, lack of social media control, etc, etc, you know, all the things that ‘boomers’ worry about. Graham Haynes Copnor

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